Spot-On Playlist

Spotify’s new campaign uses local references to communicate its global expertise

Spot-On Playlist

It is often said that music is for all seasons and reasons. People connect to music through daily moods and moments – ranging from workout and travel to love and heartbreak. Drawing inspiration from this insight, Spotify, the Swedish audio streaming app, has launched its first ever ad campaign for India, called ‘There’s a playlist for that’. “With this campaign, we wanted to tap into the sentiment that music brings to different situations, and to establish a connection between local cultural nuances and the diversity of playlists we have,” says Amarjit Batra, MD - India, Spotify. He adds that the focus of the campaign is to connect people to music and playlists that are relatable, rather than just the brand.


The campaign includes a mix of outdoor ads which are hyperlocalised – not only city specific or area specific but even situation and local quirk specific. To illustrate his point, Batra gives the example of the creative that talks about how fitness enthusiasts living in Bandra often face a commitment dilemma as they try to remain fitness focused while jogging through one of the most popular food streets in the neighborhood - ‘When your Carter’s run takes a foodie turn’. There is also a creative for those who love shopping at Sarojini Market in Delhi and even a pun on a ‘long-distance relationship’ between a person staying in South Mumbai and the suburbs. Meanwhile, the digital ad-film speaks to a larger audience. It shows two boys sneaking out in their dad’s car with apt tracks such as Hanikarak Bapu and Laemberghini playing in the background.


“The core insight behind 'There's A Playlist For That' stems from Spotify’s understanding of how users wish to connect with music. The campaign for India is based on the fact that life in India is chaotic; but music holds the power to keep you calm, centred and helps you get through whatever life has in store for you. And Spotify gets this,” says Rajdeepak Das, MD India and chief creative officer, Leo Burnett South Asia.

The social contextualisation and geo-relevant execution of this campaign work well for the brand, which is entering a highly competitive music streaming market in India. While offering a personalised experience to every user is Spotify’s USP, it has also rolled out unique features for the Indian market. These include creation of more than 100 playlists for India and the launch of Spotify Free with access over 40 million songs and three billion playlists.  





