
Saving Money With Wellness App

The new app from Max Life offers upto 10 per cent discount to policyholders on premium during renewal

Max Life Insurance Company on Tuesday announced the launch of Max Fit — a wellness program — along with Max Life Critical Illness and Disability Rider.


The disability rider offers protection against 64 critical illnesses and provides a flexible payment option where policyholders can choose between limited pay or regular pay as per the base plan. The rider could be added to 11 of Max Life's existing products ranging from term plans and saving plans to monthly income plans, and more.

The added benefit for the critical illness and disability Rider customers is exclusive access to Max Fit, a wellness app, which comes with features like as wellness assessment score, medicine reminder, daily health tips, digitized access to all health reports, and a wellness calculator for illnesses such as diabetes, heart diseases, stress, and anxiety.

The app could also help in saving money. One of the programs includes recording a minimum of 50,000 steps on the app which leads to accumulating one healthy week. Depending on the number of healthy weeks accumulated, the policyholder is eligible for a discount (up to 10 per cent) on rider premium at the time of renewal.

"Max Fit marks a great milestone in our digitization journey to deliver superior customer experience. It is a win-win situation for customers where they are protected from uncertainties and rewarded for playing an active role in staying committed to their overall health,” said  Prashant Tripathy, Managing Director and CEO, Max Life.

Also, the critical illness and disability rider would come in five different variants with each of them providing protection against pre-listed critical illnesses (minimum 22 and maximum 64 critical illnesses covered). It also offers cover for as long as 67 years (up to age 85).

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