
Growth Journey Of Global Brands

The benefits of investments in overseas stocks are in perfect sync with the global outlook of Indian consumers

We live in an increasingly global world, where borders are becoming virtual, and one can access goods and services offered across the globe with greater ease. Indian consumers are also more global now than ever before. Whether it is the latest smartphone, an e-commerce platform, or a ride-sharing app, Indian consumers have been enjoying the same access level as their overseas counterparts.


As Indian consumers, we are constantly exposed to global brands like Amazon, Netflix, Apple, Uber, Google, and the likes. As per TechArc data, Apple's iPhone user base in India is now close to 12 million, making it one of Apple's most valued markets. The same trend exists across most of the other leading global brands as they become drivers of this great Indian consumption story. 

Indian travellers are also becoming global. We are exploring new destinations overseas, are participating in luxury and adventure travel with equal zest, and spending more on travel every year. Airbnb has become synonymous with India's overseas vacation.

Another interesting quality which I have witnessed during my several discussions with Indian consumers is that they are very well-informed about the products or services that they are using. They even have a good understanding of the company that is providing that product or service. This tendency of the Indian consumer to undertake well-informed decisions is recognized and admired across the globe.


Being an avid follower of the global markets and an investor myself, this has often led me to wonder why Indian consumers don't translate this exceptional wisdom into investments and participating in the growth journey of the global brands they consume.

When it comes to investing and saving, we, as Indian residents, are often restricted to domestic choices. Part of this was perhaps by design, due to strict capital control laws that restricted remittance and conversion of the Indian Rupee to foreign currency. 

However, that is not true anymore. Today's India is much more liberalised, which has empowered our investors with more opportunities.

Under RBI's Liberalized Remittance Scheme (LRS), Indian individuals can remit and invest up to $250,000 overseas per financial year. This is a large enough limit if you consider that a family of four can invest and spend up to $1 million overseas every year. Also, investors have the option of investing in fractional shares. This is truly a disruptive concept that is democratising global investing for Indians. Fractional investing enables an investor to start his global portfolio with as little as $100 and get exposure to some of the most renowned international brands. 


Our future liabilities are global, then why should our assets be only domestic?

The benefits of investments in overseas stocks are in perfect sync with the global outlook of Indian consumers.

  • Be part of a global growth story: Top brands in India are listed in foreign stock markets and are therefore not available for investments domestically. While almost every day, we use brands such as Apple, Samsung, Amazon, Netflix, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, their growth has not been a part of our portfolio. We may feel passionate about electric vehicles' clean impact but cannot invest in revolutionary companies like Tesla with a domestic portfolio. If our outlook is global and our consumption is global, why should our investments be limited to the domestic markets?

  • International education: Many of us have the ambition of studying in renowned international colleges and universities. We also dream of sending our children to these institutes. However, international education is expensive and denominated in non-INR currencies. Our investments and savings in INR might not be sufficient to protect against currency depreciation and global inflation.  

  • International travel: Increasing number of Indians are travelling abroad every year for leisure and business. We thus have future expenses in other currencies and are exposed to currency movements.

  • Everyday goods and services: Until recently, petrol was the only major item priced in dollars which an Indian consumer would purchase. However, things have changed drastically. Think about the smartphones, tablets, and the plethora of other goods and services you are consuming every year or aspire to possess which are originally priced in dollars. Video or music subscription companies and global fashion brands keep their prices in India either at par or slightly cheaper than in the US. 

As our aspirations rise, global brands' share in our overall consumption will only grow. Thus, it may be wise, both from prudent financial management and aspiration perspective, to consider foreign assets and be a part of the global growth journey.

With the fintech disruption, a global investment portfolio is now easily accessible to most Indian investors. It is now on us to decide how we can take advantage of this seamless access and plan for our future.


The author is Co-founder & President - Winvesta

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