
Indo-Pacific Iis Stable But Sensitive Due to Economic Interdependencies: Lt. Gen. Rakesh Kapoor 

The two-day event threw light on the combined power of geospatial intelligence, space-based assets, and cutting-edge innovation to tackle emerging threats in the Indo-Pacific.

The 14th edition of the Indo-Pacific Geo Intelligence Forum, which focused on the theme of resilient multi-domain regional security, was held in New Delhi on June 11–12. 


The two-day event threw light on the combined power of geospatial intelligence, space-based assets, and cutting-edge innovation to tackle emerging threats in the Indo-Pacific, which is the fastest-growing region of the world as well as a critical avenue of global trade and commerce. 

While stressing the importance of the Indo-Pacific for the world, particularly the blue economy, Sanjay Kumar, CEO, Geospatial World, said, “The Indian government's commitment to invest $8–10 billion in geospatial development over the next five years (excluding defense) underscores its importance. To achieve this, collaboration is crucial for capacity and technology development.” 

Lt. Gen. Rakesh Kapoor, Deputy Chief of the Army Staff (Information Systems and Coordination), highlighted that the Indo-Pacific is the region of hope since it is an economic powerhouse and nearly half of the world’s population resides there. 

Lt. Gen. Kapoor also noted that while the Indo-Pacific region is stable, it remains sensitive due to economic interdependencies that foster symbiotic relationships and require strategic patience. 


He highlighted three key factors: human security and indices, climate change mitigation, and a solid framework for operating in the global commons. Kapoor reiterated India's policy of security and growth for all, committing to partnerships and mutual engagement to address the region's complexities. 

While highlighting the significance of the region, Gen. VK Singh, former Indian Army Chief, said, “We need greater coordination and cooperation to grasp a clear picture. We need to utilize all the utilities and GeoInt applications, from artificial intelligence to data,” he adds.” 

While cautioning that there has been an increase in piracy and IUU fishing in the region, Vice Admiral Tarun Sobti, Deputy Chief, Indian Naval Staff, said, “Contraband smuggling, including narcotics, is also on the rise. Illegal human trafficking is also a serious crime. Maritime incidents such as collision, fire, search, and rescue remain some of the most widely recorded in the region.” 

The Indo-Pacific Geointelligence Forum seeks to establish a trusted technological platform by integrating geospatial technology with emerging advancements, particularly through the fusion of geospatial and artificial intelligence (GEOAI). 

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