
Hospitality Marketing Trends to Keep Your Business Afloat

The best way to promote their business is online, which is cost-effective and doable for any brand

The pandemic has contributed to unprecedented circumstances in front of the hospitality industry. There has been a massive upside-down, especially in the restaurants, bars, and cafes sector, from implementing new health standards to adapting new customer expectations.  


Months after the lockdown, restaurants have slowly reopened their doors for the customers. It’s time for hospitality leaders to take a step towards their brand’s marketing to keep their businesses afloat. The best way to promote their business is online, which is cost-effective and doable for any brand. 

Below are the pointers for restaurant marketing tactics that will help you keep connected with your customers.

1. Create Unique Content

Think about the strategies that can make people love your brand. You have to focus on the experience that you want to give to your beloved customers, not just because of how delicious your food is. Tell your customers about the story behind your brand name and what inspired you to start your own business. 

2. Promote Hygiene Standards

 Hygiene in restaurants is important not only to protect the health and safety of your employees and customers but also helps to establish the restaurant's brand image. In times of Covid, safety and hygiene have taken on new significance. Customers are still wary of eating out or ordering in because they are afraid of contracting the infectious virus. According to an in-depth report by POSist on the Restaurant Industry and Market Evolution, more than 80 per cent of restaurant operators believe that food quality and safety will outweigh price as a decision-making factor for cost-conscious customers. Brands should create visuals in videos or graphics that will help them promote their hygiene online.


3. Plan Your Restaurant Relaunch Via Influencers Marketing

With the evolution of social media, you can find many micro and macro influencers that can promote your brand and could become your brand advocates. This is the best and cost-effective way to outreach your target audience in a specific area via location-wise influencers. Though micro-influencers create powerful word of mouth for small groups, always remember that influencer marketing is all about having the right audience, not the biggest audience. Focus on the quality of user-generated content, not the quantity.

4. Plan SEO for Your Website

10 years ago, a customer would most likely find a new restaurant or cafe by looking through the physical phone book or register, driving past, or getting a referral from a friend. But today, the internet and Google search results are the most valuable things that can help your customers reach you in seconds. For example, if they are searching for the best restaurants near me, the best one with an attractive website will come on the search rank. The higher the range the higher the conversions. Therefore, it’s the best time to revamp your business website to focus on search engine optimisation.


Although Covid-19 has bruised the hospitality industry, following the above trends won’t completely fix the losses incurred, but staying on top of these trends as best as possible can help your business grow.

The author is the Founder - Online Apes Media

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