
Crowdfunding Is a Great Tool To Help Patients Who Cannot Avail Government Schemes

Crowdsourcing is emerging aa one of the key trends in India and also helping people escape the vicious cycle of medical debt. Dr Minnie Bodhanwala, CEO, Wadia Hospitals explains it during an interview with Rajat Mishra. Edited excerpts.


1.     How do you see crowdfunding?

I see crowdfunding as a huge blessing for many disadvantaged children and their families. Being charitable hospitals we are always tapping various avenues for fundraising. Previously the fundraising revolved mostly around institutions, but with crowdfunding coming in we have seen support from individuals who are from every corner of India and beyond as well. Crowdfunding is a great tool to help patients who cannot avail government schemes and are unable to afford expensive surgeries.

2.     How is it being used by patients?

If patient cannot afford care, the family approaches the social service department, once we verify the need we plan the crowdfunding campaign with our crowdfunding platforms. Once the patient consents for his story and pictures, their crowdfunding campign is made live, the campaign is widely shared across social media, whatsapp through friends, relatives and stakeholders. Not many patients are aware about crowdfunding as a source for funding.


3.     Any figure on an average basis you can share with us on a monthly resort to crowdfunding?

There is no fixed figure as campaigns are variable every month, the cost of treatment varies for different patients depending on their medical condition and interventions they require.  On an average 20-25 patients benefit from crowdfunding every month and numbers are increasing with more awareness amongst patients as well as donors. Also not all crowdfunding campaigns achieve 100% success, some exceed the goals and some do not.

4.     How do you see this change?

Crowdfunding in a donation based scenario is a very positive change for the society. With the power of internet and social media a stranger from nowhere becomes an angel for many. Crowdfunding is a great example of humanity and how we can all come together to save lives. Everyone donates in their individual capacity and help someone with a second chance to life.


5.     Do you have any suggestions?

In whatever capacity individuals should come forward and support each other through crowdfunding. One might not be able to help in an individual capacity to save someone but the power of the crowd will make it  much easier!

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