
Mastering Life’s Financial Stages: A Guide To Financial Planning For Major Life Events

Financial planning is the first step towards building wealth and achieving your short- and long-term goals, which takes into account all aspects of your complex financial life.

As we mark World Financial Planning Day, it’s an auspicious moment to reflect on the pivotal role of financial planning in our lives. Life is a journey filled with anticipated milestones and unforeseen challenges, and a well-crafted financial plan can be your compass to navigate this ever-changing terrain. Krishan Mishra, CEO of FPSB India, the leading financial planning body in India, shares insights into the art and science of financial planning for life events.  


Major life events like marriage, the arrival of children, and educational pursuits are pivotal moments that require meticulous financial planning. These milestones often come with significant financial responsibilities, and planning ahead can ensure you are well-prepared to embrace them.  

Marriage: Building A Financial Foundation Together  

Marriage signifies the union of two individuals, each with their financial histories, goals, and aspirations. The journey starts with trust, open communication, and a solid financial plan. Here's how to go about it:  

 Joint Financial Goals: Begin by setting clear financial objectives as a couple. Whether buying a dream home, planning for children, or securing your retirement, align your aspirations and create a shared vision.  

Budgeting: Develop a comprehensive budget that outlines your combined income, expenses, and savings goals. Consider housing, daily expenses, and long-term financial security.  

Emergency Fund: Establish an emergency fund to cushion unexpected expenses. A financial safety net can provide peace of mind during uncertain times.  


Insurance Review: Take time to review your insurance needs. Marriage often means additional dependents, making life and health insurance crucial to protect your loved ones.  

Investment Strategy: Review and potentially realign your investment portfolios to match your joint financial objectives and risk tolerance.  

Children: Nurturing Their Future Financially  

The birth or adoption of a child is a momentous event that comes with significant financial responsibilities. From healthcare expenses to education funding, planning for your children's future is paramount:  

Education Planning: Start saving for your child's education early. Consider options like education-focused savings accounts, mutual funds, or systematic investment plans (SIPs).  

Child Insurance: Explore child-specific insurance plans that provide financial protection and savings for your child's future.  

Estate Planning: Consider creating a will to ensure your assets are distributed as per your wishes, especially if you're planning for your child's long-term financial security. 

Managing Finances During Periods Of Financial Instability  

Life is unpredictable, and financial setbacks like job loss or economic downturns can strike without warning. The key to financial resilience during such times lies in prudent planning:  


Job Loss: Navigating Uncertainty- Losing your job can be one of life's most challenging experiences, but a well-thought-out financial plan can help you weather this storm:  

1. Emergency Fund: Having an emergency fund in place can provide a financial cushion during periods of job loss. Aim to have at least six months' worth of living expenses saved.  

2. Budgeting and Expense Reduction: Cut down on non-essential expenses and prioritize essential bills. Creating a bare-bones budget can help you make ends meet during this challenging period.  

3. Seeking Support: Explore government assistance programs, unemployment benefits, or severance packages that may be available to you.  

4. Freelancing or Part-Time Work: Consider temporary freelance or part-time opportunities to generate income while searching for a new job.  

Economic Downturns: Navigating Choppy Waters

Economic downturns can impact everyone, but a well-structured financial plan can help you stay resilient:  

1. Diversified Investments: Ensure your investment portfolio is diversified to mitigate risk. Diversification can help offset losses in one asset class with gains in another.  


2. Reassess Financial Goals: During challenging economic times, it may be necessary to reassess your financial goals and timeline. Be flexible and adjust your plans accordingly.  

3. Emergency Fund Enhancement: If possible, bolster your emergency fund during periods of economic stability. This can provide added security during economic downturns.  

Insurance Planning For Protection Against Unexpected Events 

Insurance is the bedrock of financial protection, providing a safety net when life takes an unexpected turn. Here's how to approach insurance planning:  

Health Insurance: Health is wealth, and having comprehensive health insurance is non-negotiable. It safeguards your finances against unforeseen medical expenses.  

Life Insurance: Life insurance ensures financial security for your loved ones in the event of your untimely demise. Calculate your coverage needs based on your family's financial requirements.  

Disability Insurance: Don't underestimate the importance of disability insurance. It provides income protection if you are unable to work due to illness or injury.  

Adapting The Financial Plan To Changing Circumstances  

Financial planning is an ongoing process that should evolve with your life circumstances. Schedule periodic reviews of your financial plan, especially after major life events or changes in your financial situation. Be prepared to adapt to your financial goals as life unfolds. Priorities may shift, and your financial plan should reflect those changes. Continually replenish your emergency fund to ensure it remains sufficient for unexpected expenses. Consider seeking the advice of a certified financial planner professional to fine-tune your financial plan and ensure it aligns with your evolving needs and goals.  

In conclusion, life's journey is marked by a series of financial milestones and unexpected challenges. A robust financial plan is your passport to navigate this journey with confidence and resilience. On this World Financial Planning Day, let's commit to the art of financial planning as a means to achieve our aspirations, secure our future, and weather the storms that life may bring. Remember, a well-prepared financial plan is not just a roadmap; it's your ticket to financial peace and prosperity.  

The author is the CEO of the Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB) India.  

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