Welcome back, I hope you all had a good week in the markets and otherwise too. You’re probably wondering why this title? Well, looking at the market action in the past five weeks, it felt like the trench warfare of World War 1. You have the bulls sitting in their trenches and you have the bears sitting in their trenches, every time one of the two makes an advance the other beats them back and back they go into their trenches and wait. They wait for their opportunity and some signals that the odds are firmly in their favour, but that hasn’t happened, yet. Interestingly, between the closing of the last 5 trading sessions, the Nifty actually moved 5 points! So, if you feel a little impatient and wonder why things aren’t going in your direction, spare a thought for those investors that spent months, if not years in a flat, directionless market. The investing game is one of patience and it rewards those that practice it. Also speaking of World War 1, between the trenches lay no man’s land and the range between 15,500 and 15,900 for the Nifty, a narrow band of 3 per cent is where lies our current day no man’s land as well.