
2024 Employee Resignation Will Surpass 'Great Resignation' of 2022, Reveals PwC's 'Hopes and Fears' Survey

67 per cent Workers consider Upskilling an important factor while moving from one company to another, reveals PwC's 'Hopes and Fears' Survey

28 per cent of employees are likely to change their employer in 2024 as opposed to 19 per cent during "Great Resignation" period of 2022 and 67 per cent of those switching cite upskilling, as a major determining factor, revealed in a PwC survey on global workforce.


The PwC report titled "Global Workforce Hopes and Fear Survey 2024", surveyed more than 56,000 workers in 50 countries. It aims to find opportunities and challenges in the times when human beings are threathened to become obsolete in workplace as AI technology multiplies in its roles. The survey is fifth in a series started in 2019.

PwC's report highlights that 46 per cent of workers rank technological change is much more likely to impact their job in the next three years, whereas 37 per cent cited 'climate change' for the same.

Workers are assigning "increased premium" on companies that invest in their skills enhancement and advises businesses must prioritise upskilling and employee experience said Pete Brown, global workforce leader at PwC, UK as reported by Reuters.

As per the report, 12 per cent of workers have used generated AI tools on daily basis in contrast to 37 per cent who have never employed them in past 12-months. This reveals widespread use of GenAI in the workplace hasn't gained momentum just as of yet. However, 62 per cent of the employees agree that GenAI has potential to increase work efficiency.


The report also revealed that, 76 per cent of the surveyed respondents felt that GenAI will increase their chances of upskilling. However, 47 per cent of the workers believed that AI will negatively affect the nature of their jobs.

"The findings suggest that job satisfaction is no longer enough," said Carol Stubbings, global markets and tax and legal services leader at PwC UK. She recommended 'employers must invest in staff and tech platforms to mitigate pressures and retain talent.'

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