
After Twitter, Gmail Gets A Blue Tick; Here Is How You Can Get It

Gmail has officially rolled out the coveted ‘blue tick’ for users who have verified themselves on BIMI

After Twitter and Meta’s Instagram, blue tick has become the ‘in’ thing with every other social media platform devising its own ways of verification. In line with the same, now Gmail has also come up with its ‘blue tick.’


As per official updates from Gmail, tech giant Google has officially rolled out the coveted ‘blue tick’ for users who have verified themselves on Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI). But this feature, for now, is limited for companies who have adopted Gmail’s BIMI. 

Gmail’s new blue tick feature, as per Google’s official blog, will help individuals identify and differentiate legitimate senders from impersonators. So, now when a user sees a ‘blue tick’ they will be able to identify if the email is coming from a legitimate sender or is a phishing attempt. 

Further, updates suggest that Gmail’s blue tick has been rolled out as a part of the Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains. It is also expected to be rolled out to other major businesses within three days. 

Tech giant Google has also reportedly confirmed that every Google Workspace customer, legacy G Suite Basic and Business customer, and even users with a personal Google account, are eligible to get a blue tick mark. 


For those wondering how to get this blue tick on Gmail, please note that one has to verify their logo on BIMI by setting up an account on BIMI. To set up this account, you also need domain information. Then, one needs to upload their brand logo in SVG format and register it as a trademark. Finally, one can apply for a verified mark certificate (VMC) in order to add a blue tick to their Gmail domain. 

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