
India, Netherlands To Cooperate On Regulations For Medical Products

An Indian delegation led by Khuba is in the Netherlands to participate in the second World Local Production Forum (WLPF) meeting being held in The Hague from 6 to 8 November 2023.

India and the Netherlands will cooperate on regulations for medical products and enhance the quality of healthcare services in both countries.


At Hague, India and the Netherlands have "signed a memorandum of intent (MoI) to cooperate on medical product regulation and enhance the quality of medical products and healthcare services for both countries".

The MoI was signed during a meeting of Bhagwant Khuba, Union Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers with Ernst Kuipers Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports of the Kingdom of Netherlands.

An Indian delegation led by Khuba is in the Netherlands to participate in the second World Local Production Forum (WLPF) meeting being held in The Hague from 6 to 8 November 2023.

The World Local Production Platform is a platform created at the initiative of WHO with the aim of increasing access to medicines and other health technologies.

The Minister also visited the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

He met Carla van Rooijen, Director of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Technology Division and had a fruitful discussion with her about regulations in the pharmaceutical and medical technology industries.


Khuba also visited Bilthoven Biologicals (Cyrus Poonawalla Group), the world's largest vaccine producer.

During his visit, Khuba visited the Port of Rotterdam, Europe's largest port and discussed with Boudwijn Simmons, COO and other officials about the port's hydrogen hub plans.

Rotterdam is poised to become a hub in hydrogen production and transportation.

The minister also shared India's Green Hydrogen Mission and India's aim to become a global leader in Green Hydrogen.

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