
Mark Zuckerberg Wants To Fight Elon Musk In A Cage Fight

Two of the world’s most high-profile technology billionaire-Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerburg- have agreed to fight

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter owner Elon Musk might be set to dwell in a high-profile fight. Zuckerberg says he is ready to take fight Musk in a cage matches, accepting the challenge thrown by the latter. 


This is normal news, but it doesn’t seem that normal when you consider than two of the world’s most high-profile technology billionaire-Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerburg- have agreed to beef-up against each other in a cage match.

Recently, Tesla-SpaceX-Twitter boss Elon Musk had tweeted that he would be ‘up for the cage fight’ with Zuckerberg. The Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp) CEO, who is an aspiring mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter, shot back by posting a screenshot of Musk’s tweet on Instagram, with the caption: ‘Send me the location’.

Musk then replied to Zuckerberg’s response with: ‘Vegas Octagon’.

For information, The Vegas Octagon is the competition mat and fenced-in area used for Ultimate Fighting Champions (UFC) bout, which is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

While Zuckerberg is known for his fitness, and has recently won jiu-jitsu tournaments, where he defeated an Uber engineer and won two medals, Musk has been very vocal about not working out, also tweeted: ‘I have this great move that I call "The Walrus", where I just lie on top of my opponent & do nothing.’


The exchanges have gone viral with social media users debating who would win the bout, while others have posted memes including mocked up posters advertising the fight.

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