
Twitter Gets New Feature Under Elon Musk, Now Check Stock, Crypto, ETF Prices Through Tweets

Twitter's New Feature: Twitter Business has explained that in order to use this new feature, the ‘$’ symbol will be very important.

Twitter’s new boss Elon Musk has launched another new feature, but this time on the financial side of the social media platform. Sharing a tweet by Twitter Business, Elon Musk wrote that the micro-blogging platform has launched a new financial feature called $Cashtags which will be helpful for all those stock and crypto lovers. 


As per official updates, the primary purpose of $Cashtags is to provide data to Twitter users. This data will include pricing graphs for major symbols of stocks, ETF or cryptocurrency. While the official announcement has been made by Twitter Business account, the Chief Twit Elon Musk has appreciated the team’s work in his tweet. 

Twitter’s New Feature $Cashtags – How will it work?

Twitter Business has explained that in order to use this new feature, the ‘$’ symbol will be very important. Hence, whenever a user needs to search about a major stock, ETF or crypto, they have to use that particular symbol preceded by the ‘$’ like ‘$BTC.’ Once the user types this, the clickable link shows them the pricing graphs in the form of search results. 

The official tweet reads, “When you Tweet the symbol of a major stock, ETF, or crypto currency with a $ in front of it (like $BTC), people on Twitter see a clickable link that takes them to search results. Starting today, these search results will include the pricing graphs for major symbols.”


There is also another way to access this feature. On this, Twitter Business writes, “You can also search for symbols directly, without clicking on a link within a Tweet. Most symbols with and without the $ sign will work in search (QQQ or $QQQ).”

However, as per official updates, this will not be the extent of Twitter’s new feature. In the coming days, the team is expected to expand its horizon in terms of user experience and coverage of symbols. More updates on the same are awaited. 

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