Answer: As far as the taxability of the money accumulated in your provident fund account is concerned, it becomes taxable if you have not completed five years of service, and contributions for at least five years have been made in the account as per rule 8 of the fourth schedule of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The withdrawal before the stipulated period of five years is exempt only in very exceptional circumstances, like an employee’s job being terminated due to ill health, due to the closure or discontinuance of the business of the employer, or for any reason beyond the control of the employee. As your case is not covered under these exceptions, and since you have not completed five years, whatever money you withdraw along with the interest will become taxable in your hand. Moreover, in case the aggregate amount exceeds Rs. 50,000, tax at 10 per cent shall be deducted by the PF authorities or PF trust. The employer’s contribution will become taxable under the head "Salaries", whereas the interest accumulated and your contribution will be taxed under the head "Income From Other Sources". If there is no other income, you will be able to claim a Standard Deduction against the income becoming taxable under the head "Salaries".