Do not panic, it can affect your immunity – there is so much uncertainty in the current environment. We don’t know much about the coronavirus and we certainly don’t know how long this will last. Additionally, there is the fear of getting infected. Many of us feel at risk and because of the isolation and are unable to meet our friends and colleagues and discuss our fears. This can cause a lot of panic. Stress will only negatively impact our immunity and impact our ability to combat the virus. Avoid constantly checking statistics related to coronavirus infections. Yes, people are getting infected at an unprecedented rate. No, there is no need for you to check how many people are getting infected every few hours. This will only add to your panic. Use technology more productively. Face time with your friends, download apps that allow groups of people to interact together, schedule a zoom call at lunch time with your office colleagues. In the current time, it is important to reach out and stay connected in the best way possible.