
Growing Success Of Digital Health And Relation

It is now possible to perform certain surgeries and deliver essential medical supplies from thousands of miles away

With the advent of the digital medium in healthcare services, doctors and patients are more connected now as compared to the previous times. We are getting top-notch medical care not even stepping into a hospital. All the medical giants are exploring various facets to strengthen their customer base even in tier II and tier III cities to bridge the distance. Through technological advances, it’s now possible to perform certain surgeries and deliver essential drugs and medical supplies from thousands of miles away. Almost 77 percent of healthcare consumers believe that they have welcomed this virtual consultation trend with open arms. This shows that digital healthcare is making healthcare accessible for all at a potentially lower cost to the consumer. No doubt, the changing digital tools can only be good for overall health. 


Staying Connected With Patients 

Digital healthcare has been a boon not only for doctors and nurses but also for pharmacists, insurance companies, and physical therapists. Let’s look at some of the technologies that are widely available to build the doctor-patient relationship: 

Wearable devices 

With the right technology, patients’ health device records can be connected with the doctor’s computer/phone so that he gets timely updates about the patients’ health. For example, smartwatches can be linked to the doctor’s preferred platform so that he can monitor the records remotely. The doctor can check patients’ vitals including heart rates, blood sugar, hydration level, blood pressure without meeting the patient physically. The opportunities are endless with technological advancements. 

 Electronic Health Records 

It’s one of the most all-encompassing technologies in the realm of medical care. Electronic Health Records (EHR) are the digital health records of patients. They helped the coordination between healthcare providers and patients besides helping the researchers. EHR also increases patient participation and improves the effectiveness of diagnostics.


Virtual Checkups 

Future of the healthcare is less cumbersome. A patient no longer has to get up early and stand in a queue to visit a doctor. One just has to log in to their provider’s virtual healthcare platform for treatment anytime and anywhere. In India, virtual healthcare services is not a regular thing, it will pick up with time especially in rural and remote environments. However, many healthcare providers are encouraging their patients to use online platforms so that they can save money, time, and other dreaded infection. They are asking their patients to come only when the illness can be diagnosed through online consultation. 

How safe are these digital platforms? 

After reading all these, it’s quite normal that you must be wondering how about the security of all your digital health records. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India, in 2017 had also proposed and issued a draft to bring a healthcare security law in India. Called DISHA, the new law is soon to become effective in the country. Once effective, it will standardise and control the processes of collecting, storing, sharing, and using digital health data because with so many new vulnerabilities with regards to data, digital health companies must ensure to keep patient information safe. This move will also help to reduce the liability of a caregiver. 


The candid and honest relationship between a doctor and patient is one of the best relationships. This also enables higher quality and effective care. If a patient doesn’t have trust in his doctor, he will never open up about his health issue. By using blockchain, healthcare providers can secure patient’s information because through this medium of technology one cannot duplicate the data. 

The author is Founder Director, Ujala Cygnus Group of Hospitals

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