
Be Guarded At The Wheels, Be Guarded For The Life

Distracted driving is the biggest threat to road safety. Follow the rules for assured safety and insured driving

Road safety continues to be a major cause for concern across the world, killing more than 1.35 million people globally, and injuring several million more. According to a recent World Bank report, India, despite having only 1 per cent of the world’s vehicles, accounts for 11 per cent of global traffic fatalities. The statistics are staggering – over 1.5 lakh people lost their lives in 2019 due to road accidents, according to the government report.


The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) reports that over 1,200 people suffer injuries and over 400 people die every day in road accidents. That makes an average of 17 deaths an hour. The MoRTH has estimated the socio-economic costs of road fatalities at Rs 147,114 crore in India, equivalent to 0.77 per cent of India’s GDP.

Despite these alarming statistics, an increasing number of Indians are investing in personal transport today. This is also due to the burgeoning population and its resultant strain on an already overwhelmed public transport system, making car or two-wheeler a necessity for most people.

Prevention is better than cure

Though people factor in design, performance and safety features while buying a vehicle, they forget to ignore their own contribution in making the roads safer for themselves. So, what can an individual do to avoid road accidents? Here are some tips to help you reduce the high number of fatalities and injuries on the road.


Keep safe distance

Maintaining a safe distance with the vehicle in front gives you the time to stop before you rear-end them. This is especially important in inclement weather.

Drive defensively

The less you need to brake, the less likely you are to rear-end someone or be rear-ended yourself. Be extra careful when it is raining, since your vehicle will need more time to come to a stop than otherwise. 

Do not drive while drowsy or drunk

This needn’t be stressed. Your reactions are always going to be slower when your senses are impaired. 

Do not over-speed

Over 60 per cent of road accidents in India occur due to speeding. Going over the speed limit is dangerous even on empty roads.

Always be attentive

Distracted drivers are a menace to themselves and others. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), driver distraction is one of the leading causes of road fatalities and that includes eating or drinking while driving, adjusting the radio or music system, or even using mobile phones with hands-free. In fact, WHO estimates that drivers using mobile phones are four times more likely to be involved in road crashes. 


Smart technology

Technological advancements in mobility are increasingly focused on road safety to mitigate fatalities. From rear view cameras to help as you reverse your vehicle to braking systems that sense an obstruction and brake automatically, from traffic lane sensors that emit loud warnings if your car swerves across the lane to new self-driving vehicles, next-gen vehicles are incorporating several of these smart technologies to ensure maximum safety. 
Road transport authorities across the world are looking at information communication technologies and intelligent transportation systems to revolutionise the field of safe transportation. Smart technology is also governing traffic control systems to ease congestion and make driving and traffic management better and safe. 

The doctrine of personal responsibility

For the technology to come to fruition and be operational, the infrastructure needs to be in place. This requires time and money. In the meantime, your safety lies in your hands. This may sound boring but following traffic rules is one of the best ways to ensure your safety and that of others. Simple habits like wearing a seat belt while driving, or ensuring you have a helmet and elbow or knee guards while riding a bike can literally be the difference between life and death. 


Maintaining your vehicle/s properly is another way to ensure safety. Check your engine, brakes and tyres regularly. Ensure your headlights and brake lights are in working order. 

Personal responsibility does not end there. Most people tend to forget that an accident can set you back in more ways than one – dealing with hefty medical bills or having to pay for the other person’s hospitalisation (if you are at fault) may mean dipping into your savings. Financial woes coming on top of an already stressful situation can exacerbate the situation further. An accident can come at the cost of the family’s future. 

Insure and be assured

This is where a comprehensive motor insurance can be of help as it will secure you against any unwanted monetary cost incurred due to an unfortunate incident. Though saving a life is of utmost importance but at least we can have a peace of mind with comprehensive motor insurance towards financial risks. The policy guards against financial consequences of road accidents, thus alleviates the situation for you and your loved ones. Moreover, in case of an unfortunate event like any third-party mishap due to your vehicle, a liability only policy ensures that the third party or its nominee will be compensated by the insurer for the loss.


For your family, you are irreplaceable. So be extra cautious while driving for the sake of your safety and happiness of your loved ones. 

The author is President of Motor Business at HDFC ERGO General Insurance

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