
Celebrate & Insure Your Love

This Valentine's Day, take the first step towards securing yours and your family's future

The year 2020 was a wakeup call for all of us. The year came with a lot of hardships and got us to sit up and take note of one thing – the need for protecting our loved ones in every way possible. Which got me thinking - can we dedicate the 14th of February to not just celebrating love, but protecting it too? 


Love Means Securing Your Tomorrows, TODAY!

It is important to safeguard the favourable certainties in life, such as children’s education, their marriage and so on. After all, among other things, love also means securing your loved ones financially. And the best time to start working towards this goal is NOW. Typically, most youngsters are caught between saving now and YOLO. But, deep down most responsible souls agree that finances must be correctly planned. While savings is crucial, it does not guarantee protection. Then what do you do? You turn to insurance – the only financial tool that nudges you to save systematically and also provides for a safety net if you were to fall from this climb called life. 

Because It Is About Protecting

It’s a fact, most people worry about the well-being of their loved ones after they are gone and rightly so. Unpredictability is a risk. Insurance helps to mitigate this risk to a large extent. Life insurance is designed to secure life and create value for your family in your absence. 


Comprehensive in The True Sense of The Word

Today's new age generation neither has the time nor the inclination to shop for multiple financial instruments. Time is money, literally. If one financial instrument could meet most financial needs, wouldn't it be phenomenal?

This neatly brings me to 5 reasons why you must invest in a life insurance policy early.

  1. It takes care of all your financial responsibilities even when you are not around.  

  2. The right policy contributes immensely to your retirement planning. 

  3. It acts as a saving tool and also lets you invest as per your risk appetite.

  4. It brings in financial discipline

  5. Tax savings – this one is self-explanatory

Remember, buying the right policy according to your needs, shows that you care. After all, YOLO!

A Few Clicks Are All It Takes: Safety + Welfare, Add to Cart!

Sometimes people are intimidated by the process of acquiring an insurance policy. This is unwarranted. Today, buying an insurance policy is as simple as buying a holiday package. Technology makes it so simple. From signing up your preferred plan, to making payments, registering claims, maintaining the policy, tracking queries and complaints – you can do it all from the comfort of your home. 


Make this Valentine’s Day count. Of course, there is an unmistakable charm to hand-written cards & beautiful flowers. But what truly matters in a marriage / relationship, is that sense of protection and well-being. By investing in a life insurance policy today, you take the first step towards securing yours and your family’s future. 

The author is Deputy CEO, IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company 

DISCLAIMER: Views expressed are the author's own. Outlook Money does not necessarily subscribe to them. Outlook Money shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organisation directly or indirectly. 

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