
Financial Infidelity And Your Strategy To Deal With It

There is not an iota of doubt that relationships go a long way only if there is complete trust. However, one of the most dangerous and harmful things that can happen to your relationship is infidelity. We know there is physical and psychological infidelity but there is another kind of infidelity that does not grab our attention which is as harmful as the physical and psychological one that is financial infidelity.


The term may sound alien and new to you. But I am pretty sure we all have witnessed it and committed this at one point of time. Basically, financial infidelity constitutes concealing bank accounts and credit cards from your partner. And it is not confined only to an act of concealment but it also constitutes hiding the money spent from your beloved partner.

Now, you must be wondering and laughing at this widely prevalent fidelity and that runs across irrespective of your status and class. But do not underestimate the dangers it comes up with. If you have ever been subjected to this kind of infidelity you must be abreast of the one thing that it directly attacks one of the crucial things in a relationship that is trust.

  1. Come Clean

The person who has committed this mistake must come clean to a partner and tell them about the entire thing. That would be helpful for you as well as for your partner. This is necessary to repair all the damage done to your financial health. That would be the biggest gift for your beloved partner on this valentine.

  1. Strategy to pay off the debt

If the degree of the mistake is higher and you have accrued debt then it is an opportune time to come clean and devise a strategy to get rid of that debt. Your financial health will take a while to get back on track because mistakes committed by you can’t be fixed overnight and it is going to take a little time for you to get on track

  1. A Little Effort

If your partner has shared his mistake with you instead of shouting at him you should delve a little deeper to understand what was the exact situation that made him commit this mistake. And now it is your responsibility as a partner as well to understand that situation and help him/her to get out of that situation.

  1. Be Alert & Plan

It is advisable for every partner to keep a tab on his or her loved ones financial activities after he has shared all the things with you and try to discuss with him/her about day-to-day financial activities. In consultation with each other, chalk out a strategy or a budget without going back to past mistakes. It is going to be a very helpful measure to deal with this.

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