
I am gender-neutral

The way money perceives itself; as imagined by Narayan Krishnamurthy

I come in various sizes, shapes and denominations. I am money, actually currency, which is fast losing form with the advent of digital money. The day is not far off when you won’t be able to count me or feel me, going by the manner in which digital money is gaining ground. Yet, I am important for you to track my movements on your phone; after all, that is what tells you, how much of I, am with you. No wonder, I am used, chased, revered, spoilt and sometimes even abused—the emotions around me are so stark. Yes, it is more or less the same for both men and women, in the manner in which I am treated by them.


However, your attitude towards me changes depending on your gender, but I see you both equally—I am gender neutral. Yet there are biased views when it comes to discussing women and money. I must confess that, to me both men and women have their share of difficulty when it comes to handling me. The stereotype of women being intimidated with money is all fiction. I remember of times when the family matriarch would handle me with care; she will segregate me into different denominations and safely lock me away. I will be extracted every now and then, to be used for a particular family need. Mind you, these were women who were not as educated as those who handle me today.

To quote Uncle Ben from the Spiderman comics, ‘With great power comes great responsibility’ is equally true when you handle me. I must tell my women friends that I am your friend as long as you treat me like one—any sign of misuse and it starts to haunt you. Spend me more than you can afford and I drill a hole in your pocket, keep me idle in the bank and I turn lazy. Spend me well and you will have instant gratification; invest me and we both will be happy to see me grow. For those women who squirm at the thought of investing me, I must confess, I have a similar feeling every time you spend me on shoes and clothes.


Just the way you are determined to pursue your education and careers, focused on your life, take aside a little bit of time each month to understand my behaviour. I know you love me, and it is one-sided and applies only when you are spending me. By analysing me for an hour every month, where I come from to your bank account and where I go out from there, is all you need to start loving me more. I hope by adopting this suggestion, you will be inspired to invest well, borrow wisely and spend smartly.

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