
My Money Management Lessons From Yoga Classes

Here are a few conclusions that I draw from my one-day yoga class.

It was a bright sunny day and the mercury rose up to 43 degree Celsius In Delhi.  I was completely drenched in streams of sweat rolling down my entire body. I bore all the pain for attending one-day Yoga class that I was not really keen to join. But one of my friends and suggested me and without any hesitations, I accepted her offer to go. She was a financial investor and I was a budding journalist. On her claim that yoga teaches you a lot about money-management and keeps you financially healthy attracted a sort of despising look upon her intellectual depravity. And that was supposed to happen as a young budding journalist I had thousands of questions to ask and has also irked many with the same.


Here are a few conclusions that I draw from my one-day yoga class.

  1. Instructor vs Financial Advisors

As I was a novice, my instructor was the one who guided me through the entire process.  It is always good to realise that if you are not able to understand things then there is no harm in getting help from experts and your friends. So basically when you get stuck with your financial affairs always sought help from experts, advisors, your friends and your parents.

  1. Don’t look Around and Don’t Compare

Moving my eyes around, I witnessed people pulling off some hardest of yoga poses so smoothly that I had a complex and envied them. But then someone told me don’t look around manage your own affair. This thing brought a big lesson for me that firstly concentrate managing your own financial affair. Don’t do a comparison and crib, because everyone have their own strengths and weakness. And to do any work with extreme smoothness you have to have some amount of experience. You have your own resources and thus have your own strengths and weaknesses so manage your financial matters rather then looking around.

  1. Balancing Is Be-All And End-All Of Yoga

Through out the entire exercise of doing yoga, one thing that it instilled in my mind is that, for doing yoga you have to balance every act. And you have to maintain balance for your smooth financial ride as well. Therefore, balancing is the only thing that can enable you to face all the odds of financial conundrums of your life. Remember to strike a balance in investing and adopt a corresponding approach for managing your financial affairs at home in terms of spending and investing too.

  1. Incessant Efforts Required

When I started doing yoga for the first time, I got my ankle twisted and underwent immense pain. Back then, I thought it’s not my cup of tea. But with the passage of time I started doing yoga no less than my counterparts. So the lesson I draw out of this act is that never let this realisation dawning on you that you will not be able to do. Similar is the case with financial management when you will start, may be you will go wrong in many cases. But never give up; with the passage of time you will be able to handle all the financial things at your place.

  1. Don’t Take Impulsive Decision

When my friend first came to me with this idea of joining yoga session. I took an impulsive decision and turned down her request. But she successfully persuaded me to go for it. And eventually this idea of doing yoga regularly became a part of my daily routine. So the lesson here is that whenever someone comes with any suggestion in relation to your personal finance, never ever disapprove it impulsively. Think logically and then take action. Sometimes the ideas that you disapproved might turn out to be the best for your financial well-being.

With the on-going celebration of International Yoga Day across the world I would like to urge you all to be a part of this grand drive and bring mental, physical and financial well being.

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