
Best Money Management Apps Available Today

“Save more money” is on the “To Do” list of most individuals. We all understand the value of money saved and the importance of effectively managing our daily expenses and increasing our savings. However, we all know that saving more money is easier said than done. The main reason why saving money is such a challenge is that we are usually not able to track our expenses in a judicious and simple manner. To the rescue are several apps and money management tools that act as expense managers and can help you manage your budgeting and personal finance better.


Below is a list of some of the best expense and money management apps in India:


This is a highly rated app that can help you categorise your spending and split it under various heads like bill, loan EMIs, SIPs, household expenses and groceries. The app also analyses data gleaned from your SMS and email communication to better understand your cash outflows. Walnut is now integrating UPI payment services for direct money transfer between the bank accounts. 

Monefy - Money Manager

Monefy has an intuitive and user-friendly design, making it easier and fun to navigate and track your expenses. The app basically shows you your expenses through visually appealing graphs and diagrams making it easier to understand your cash outflows. Additionally, it has many other features like inbuilt calculator, passcode protection, multi-currency support, and budget mode.


This money tracking app will help you smoothly manage and track all your daily expenses. Similar to Monefy, it has an excellent user interface making it easy to navigate and use optimally. It has also several other features like showing in-app expense distribution through beautifully designed charts, password protection, etc. With this app, you can also find real-time data and overview your expense summary.



This app is making budgeting easy and simplistic for its users. It allows users to add their monthly budget targets, track expenses and spending on a monthly or weekly basis, easily add and edit budget entries, maintain a list of expenses and offers many other features. Additionally, it has a great user interface.

These are just a few of the apps available from the plethora of budgeting and money management apps. A word of caution though – do not download multiple apps that have the same or similar features. Instead, choose a few apps with different features so that all your budgeting and money management needs are met.


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