6 Ways Seniors Can Protect Themselves From Cyberattacks

Outlook Money

Set A Strong Password

Create a strong password comprising alphabets, numerals, special characters, capital and small case letters, etc.

Multi-Level Authentication

Adding layers of authentication and a different password at each level will help enhance security.

Do Not Click Unknown Links

Fraudsters and scammers send links as attachments via SMS and email messages. Do not click those links sent from unknown numbers.

Clickbait attachments/Links

Keep Anti-Virus Software Updated

Anti-virus software protects you from unwanted malicious software, so ensure that the software is updated, mainly if the device is used for financial transactions.


Use A Secured Internet Connection

Avoid using free WiFi for financial transactions. Use a secure internet connection, particularly when using a website that collects your personal or financial information.

Internet connection

Avoid Public Charging Stations

Public charging stations in malls, railway stations, etc., can be loaded with malicious software, so avoid using them.

Compiled By Himani Verma

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