8 Mutual Fund Risks Senior Citizens Should Be Aware Of

Amit Sethi

Market Risk

MFs may face various market risks, both domestic and international, which require asset diversification to mitigate impact.

Market volatility

Company Risk

MFs may struggle due to risks arising from a company, which may be underperforming or making losses.

Company Stability

Debt MF Risks

These funds are relatively safer than equity MFs, but they still face risks from interest rate fluctuations.

Debt Fund Risks

Net Asset Value

Interest rate fluctuations in government and corporate bonds can affect the net asset value of debt mutual funds.

Fluctuating Interest

Credit Risk

Debt mutual funds invest in corporate bonds and could be exposed to the company's default risk due to its losses or bad business.

Bad Credit

Safeguard Portfolio

Diversifying investments across various asset classes and sectors can mitigate market-wide risks and protect the portfolio.

Diversified Portfolio

Professional Help

Investors can use an investment advisor's help to reduce the risks involved in mutual funds.

Help from an advisor


Knowing your risk-bearing capabilities and thorough research can help you find a good investment option.

Compiled By Himani Verma

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