
Nasscom Stresses On ‘Right Implementation’ Of Social Media, OTT Rules

IT association wants that its members are not made onerous for the ‘misuse’ of platforms

Nasscom Stresses On ‘Right Implementation’ Of Social Media, OTT Rules

IT industry body Nasscom stresses on the need for right implementation of the new rules for social media and OTT platforms.  

The industry association says technology is becoming all pervasive and it is important that there is responsible use and building of technology for all stakeholders – government, industry, start-ups and citizens. It also says it is imperative that there is a balance between regulation and innovation as the world is in a phase of accelerated technology shifts.

“The code aims to address many of the concern areas of grievance redressal, fake news, online safety and parity with existing laws. From a user perspective... the option of voluntary self-verification of user accounts and the right to receive an explanatory notification on removal or disablement of access and to seek remedy against the action being taken by the intermediaries should be helpful,” Nasscom says. 


“This will require the right implementation and should not become onerous for the social media platforms,” it cautions.

The government on Thursday announced the new rules to curb misuse of social media platforms, as it mandated firms to appoint grievance officer, disclose the first originator of the mischievous information and remove, within 24 hours, content depicting nudity or morphed pictures of women.

Any contentious content flagged by the government or legal order has to be taken down within 36 hours. The government feels the code is needed to make social media and OTT companies accountable for “misuse and abuse”.

Nasscom has been working with its members to share feedback on the intermediary guidelines with the government and some of these recommendations have been accepted in the new rules announced by the government. “We will work with our members to study in detail the implications of these guidelines and request for consultative discussions on implementation and clarifications,” it says.


The government assures that the new rules will not curb creativity and freedom of speech and expression of the citizens and Nasscom would urge the government to ensure that this is the design principle as these guidelines are implemented. 

“The call for responsible freedom and ensuring that no information or data is misleading is key for a diverse democracy like India to curb the widespread issue of fake news,” says the industry body.



