All Your Money Queries Answered

Personal Finance Queries For The Day (01-07-2019)

Personal finance queries responded by industry & subject-matter experts.

Personal Finance Queries For The Day (01-07-2019)

Deepjyoti, Guwahati: Hello Sir, I want to buy health insurance scheme (family floater plan) for my family and my current age is 26 years. Now, my question is what particular things, which I can measure before buying health insurance scheme? Can I get tax benefit from it?

Starting early is a wise step when it comes to insuring oneself as well as his/her family.  The rise in healthcare costs have to be kept in mind while deciding on the coverage limit/ sum insured. It is always better to invest time in researching things like cost of premium, cashless network of hospitals in your area, reputation of the company in claims settlement, ease of policy purchase, etc. before buying a health insurance plan. All documents must be thoroughly read and all declarations must be genuinely submitted before purchasing a health insurance cover to ensure hassle free service. One can avail tax benefits under Section 80 D on your health insurance premium.


The query is responded by Joint Managing Director, Star Health & Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.



