
HR Trends And Provocations To Watch Out For In 2021

Remote working during pandemic brings major transformation in popular HR trends

HR Trends And Provocations To Watch Out For In 2021

The year 2020 kickstarted a transformation in our lives as we have never before imagined. Right from our day-to-day activities to our professional lives, the Covid-19 pandemic upended the world almost overnight. One of the most significant changes that the pandemic brought on last year was the global shift to remote working.

While remote working has now become the norm, this year, companies are likely to try and find a middle ground to strike a balance between remote working and returning to offices. HR trends have also undergone a major transformation since the onset of the pandemic. Let's look at key HR trends and provocations to keep an eye out for this year.


Hiring bounced back along with an increased focus on a gig economy

Companies, especially startups, have restarted their hiring processes, courtesy of a V-shaped recovery in their businesses and revenue streams. The gig economy has gained immense traction, and gig workers and freelancers are now getting their due credit and recognition. More and more organisations are expected to increase the number of contract workers they hire, thereby increasing the workforce's fluidity and cutting costs. Uberization of the workforce that moves across companies and projects suited to demand areas and based on their interest is yet another major trend that will pick up in 2021. Here talent works on a demand and supply model.


Virtual hiring is the trend

Even as the corporate world grapples with finding its foothold, it is reassuring to see employers step up to the challenge and ventured into the virtual world.

Needless to say that virtual hiring has plenty of benefits for both companies and candidates. It enables high-impact employer branding with access to a wider candidate pool of varying age groups, backgrounds and geographic locations. This is also a unique opportunity for women to find their professional identity and for companies to position themselves as women-friendly.

Increased participation of women in the workforce

Remote working has opened up countless new opportunities for women to enter or re-enter the workforce and take up trending job roles such as app developers, AI engineers, UI/UX designer, etc. Furthermore, remote working has also presented an opportunity for women from Tier-II and Tier-III cities to apply for jobs across geographical boundaries. Women looking to start/restart their careers are the major talent pool that stands to benefit from the remote working norm as it offers increased flexibility and career prospects.


With experts predicting that the new normal is likely to prevail for the foreseeable future, HR trends are rapidly changing to remain in sync with the new world order. As newer trends emerge and women's participation in the workforce, especially in tech-based roles, begins to surge, 2021 could be a revolutionary year for diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

The author is the Founder of Jobsforher

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