
My Favourite

Eric Ou, Country Head, President & Director of Systems Group, ASUS India

Eric Ou, Country Head, President & Director of Systems Group, ASUS India Photo: OLB-September 2024

Favourite Book

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey inspired me a lot particularly as it aligns with the ASUS company culture. The book offers practical steps for achieving success in a competitive world, emphasising personal growth over quick fixes like communication skills or appearance. Covey’s ideas focus on building character and finding a personal mission statement to ensure long-term happiness and successful relationships.

Favourite Film

An American Tail is my favourite. The famous line “Never say never” from the film always inspires me. The story follows a mouse separated from his family while relocating to the United States. He must attempt to reunite with them while also fighting against his enemies.


Favourite Sport

Baseball is the national sport in Taiwan, and I enjoy it very much. I particularly appreciate how players need to communicate with each other on the field, whether it is calling for a fly ball, relaying information about the opposing team’s line-up, or discussing a strategy. When players work together and communicate effectively, they make better decisions and avoid mistakes.

Favourite Cuisine

Japanese food is my favorite cuisine to enjoy with family and friends, no matter which country I have lived in. While it is similar to Chinese food, Japanese cuisine is even more exquisite.

Favourite Holiday Destination

Dusseldorf, Germany is well known for its art, diverse culture, fashion, architecture and Eastern cuisine. Having lived there for over four years, I would love to visit again.  





