
82% Of Professionals Plan Job Changes This Appraisal Season, Survey Finds

The survey finds that about 54 per cent of respondents identified career advancement opportunities as important.

82% Of Professionals Plan Job Changes This Appraisal Season, Survey Finds

Indian job landscape is expected to see a new trend this appraisal season as about 82 per cent of respondents expressed their intention to switch jobs. About 54 per cent of employees prioritise career advancement for staying in current roles this appraisal season. 

Despite the high intention to switch jobs, nearly 78 per cent of professionals felt adequately supported by their colleagues and managers, a recent survey by, a jobs and professional networking platform observed. 

The survey highlights challenges in the workplace: unclear communication, bias in decision-making, and lack of recognition. 

In terms of professional growth, respondents expressed a strong preference for leadership roles and responsibilities (54 per cent), access to advanced training programs or certifications (40 per cent), and mentorship from industry experts or senior leaders (36 per cent).


The survey also revealed a notable contrast in respondents' preferences. While 62 per cent expressed a desire for learning and development/skill development initiatives, indicating a strong emphasis on professional growth, only 44 per cent highlighted the importance of mental health support initiatives. 

About 41 per cent stressed the need for transparency in workplace communication, highlighting the desire for clear and open dialogue within the organisation, another 38 per cent expressed a growing demand for remote work options. 

Conducted in March 2024, the survey is based on the response from over 10,000 professionals to delve into the evolving dynamics of the job market. 




