
How Can Businesses Strategically Prioritise And Cultivate Loyalty Amidst The Challenges Of A Talent Crisis?

A recent global report from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) showcased that 26% of Indian employees are planning to leave their current employer in 2024


We are currently living in an era where talent is abundant in the Indian market. The younger demographic is intelligent, efficient, and always eager to learn and seize opportunities. However, in the ever-changing business landscape, job transitions are inevitable as talent is always on the lookout for new opportunities. Competition is increasing, and the job market is evolving with each passing day. With the increased use of technology, it has become much easier to search for employment outside India in global markets. Given this scenario, organisations need to consider emotional quotient as an extremely crucial aspect throughout the recruiting process.


As employees come from different backgrounds and experiences, each new employee brings a unique perspective to the organisation. To harness the potential of all employees, it is imperative for the company to develop a welcoming environment and create a culture of inclusivity. It does not stop at the onboarding procedure; an employee’s journey in any business should be seen as an ongoing process, and critical aspects such as employee well-being, safety, and emotional intelligence should be prioritised. Employers need to emphasise the importance of a sense of purpose that is aligned with the organisation’s vision and mission. A recent global report from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) showcased that 26% of Indian employees are planning to leave their current employer in 2024. It thus becomes imperative for employers to strengthen their focus on cultivating a positive work culture that is assertive, transparent, and values diverse opinions.


Building loyalty is a two-way street; however, it is vital for businesses to maintain continuous engagement with employees and foster their commitment towards the company. Employers should embrace a flat hierarchy system, carrying forward practices and equipping employees such that they become ambassadors of the brand going forward. Workplace culture and comfort of work also contribute to increased company-wide loyalty. There should be no differentiation in engagement between the old/new and senior/junior workforce. Implementing a gamut of activities and focusing on career development, mentorship, sponsorship programmes as well as competitive compensation and benefits that helps the employee move ahead in their professional journeys can be effective steps. Having said that, attractive perks are no longer the sole focus for younger employees. They need a sense of stability, a firm backing from their employers, and most importantly a work-life balance.

At the same time, businesses should prioritise diversity and inclusion to foster an environment in which individuals from all backgrounds feel appreciated. A varied workforce brings diversity of viewpoints and ideas, which promotes innovation and creativity. Inclusivity is more than simply a moral requirement; it also provides a strategic edge in retaining great people. Developing a multi-generational workforce where spouses and blood relations are encouraged to work within the organisation also helps create a sense of loyalty.

Most importantly, navigating a workforce with talent from diverse backgrounds requires strong leadership. Leaders need to talk openly about the organisation’s issues and develop a clear strategy to address the same, keeping employees abreast of things and encouraging them to bring their unique solutions to the table. A transparent leadership style creates trust and confidence, which are essential for sustaining a committed team.


In the face of a talent crisis, businesses must take a highly focused approach to fostering employee loyalty. Organisations can create a workforce that is not only skilled but also deeply committed to the company’s mission and values by investing in employee development, providing flexibility, offering competitive compensation, cultivating a positive culture, communicating openly, and promoting work-life balance.

(Author is Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer at TVS Electronics Limited)



