
Mobility Developer JCBL Aims To Fill The Gaps For India To Become A Local Manufacturer

In an exclusive interview with Outlook Business, JCBL Group representatives talk about their contributions in making India a local manufacturer and the road ahead for the same

Raj Kumar Pandey (Left) and Rishi Aggarwal (Right)

The “Type V Heavy Drop System”, designed and developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), is a ground-breaking technology that would enhance the Indian Air Force’s logistical capabilities, especially in remote areas. However, an even greater achievement is the technology being completely made in India. And to make that happen, the company which came forward is Airbornics Defence and Space Pvt Ltd (ADSL), a subsidiary of the JCBL Group.

In collaboration with DRDO and Indian Armed Forces, ADSL developed the technology at the Aerial Delivery Research and Development Establishment (ADRDE) in Agra. Sync with central government’s Make in India initiative, the group aims to work using innovative measures in those areas where the country lacks the required technology and products.


In an exclusive interview with Outlook Business, Raj Kumar Pandey, CEO and Executive Director of ADSL, and Rishi Aggarwal, Managing Director of JCBL Ltd talk about how the technology is a monumental success for India and the vast potential of their contribution.

Following are edited excerpts from the interview:

Q Please tell us about the “Type V Heavy Drop System” and your contribution to it.

Raj: Type V is basically called Type Five platforms. There are five set of platforms which can be used to drop payload from C-130 or C-17 Globemaster. These are the western aircrafts which are used for carrying and dropping the cargo. If we have to drop without landing in the forward area, then we are supposed to have a system of structures, electronics and parachutes to drop a payload of anywhere from 5 tons to typically 20 tons. This is what is called Type V platform. It is a very modular system which ADSL has designed as part of the JCBL Group under the guidance of ADRDE.


Q Since this product is made in India, how is it comparable to standards set by countries like China or the USA?

Raj: I can just summarise it with by one statement that the Indian Air Force, who has been using the imported versions, tested these Type V platforms and find it very easy to work, robust, and more suitable for the Indian environment. They have really appreciated what we have done and their experience has been much better with us compared to the global parties.

And we had also virtually exhibited our products to clients in Seoul, and few other places. They too have appreciated our product as they found that our design is up to the global standards and can be used by aircrafts in other countries.

Q Can you please lay emphasis on the research and development that went into this project?

Raj: As a country today, we lack in high-tech metallurgy. For us to develop this Type V platform, we had to do research in many areas like metallurgy, new metal, new heat treatments, new machining methods, and even fabric areas. This was a big challenge for us, especially in the COVID time because a lot of work was done then. So, we really focused on these areas to develop this product. And we still believe that this is the only way to make global products.


Q And what would be the scope of your contribution to the ability of our armed forces?

Raj: As a company, we believe in innovation. And we believe in working in those areas where we as a country lack the required products and technology. The JCBL group has already been working in different domains for long time, but when we formed the ADSL, we took it to a different level. We decided to work on high-tech areas where India has been lacking in terms of technologies, so that our country can become self-reliant. This is how we structured ourselves in four niche areas. For example in Aerospace, no one has ever designed a local version of an aerial delivery system but us. ADSL is working to develop new technologies and aerostructures for the Indian Armed Forces.


Similarly in other areas like combat system technology, we have been making armored vehicles for more than 15 years now. But we thought to enter an area where India is importing a lot of technologies, and go to Tier-I level to make our country self-reliant. We have contributed to the nation by designing our own system to make tanks, recovery vehicles etc.

Q Is India ready to rely on itself to take care of its defence?

Raj: Yes and no. There are areas where we are self-reliant and feel that yes, we can take on. Meanwhile, there are certain areas which are improving. Today, ADSL is working on those areas which don’t have the capabilities like the Active Protection System. India faces technological and equipment gaps in its defense capabilities,which makes us dependent on imports from Western nations. But, with our focus on high-tech technologies, India will be able to rely on local production.


Rishi: One point to add here is that it is very nice to see the Make in India vision of the government. Their focus on developing the Indian companies to take on the self-reliant mission has been very helpful to us.

Q JCBL Group is already playing a pivotal role in multiple sectors. Are there any plans to enter into other sectors?

Rishi: We are already focusing towards the core sectors of the Indian market, with the railways, defence, construction, transportation, and to an extent with exports. As JCBL, we are always open to new areas, but nothing planned in the near future as of now.


Q There is a lot of private push in the manufacturing of equipment for our space endeavours. What is ADSL's potential to contribute to that area?

Raj: The potential is immense with the Indian policy opening up in space, defence and aviation. And with us working in high-tech areas like aerostructure and heavy drop electronics system, we can take this to even space. All these capabilities that we are developing for the aviation industry will be applicable for space and other industries. Since we are working on core competency, we will be able to carry forward it to other areas as well.


Q Would you like to tell what sets ADSL apart from its competitors?

Raj: As I told you, we believe in innovation and competency. We don’t enter into any area without first developing the capability. When I say capability, I mean the infrastructure and the competency. First we focus on developing a very solid competency in house where we can sustain it for a longer time. That is what makes us different. 

Rishi: ADSL is also a much flatter organisation so the decision making is much faster. If you look at a larger peer group, when the organisation becomes taller, both the decision making and innovation becomes slower. At ADSL, our decision-making is much faster. A strong example is that this para-drop system was developed during the COVID lockdown period. A selected group was used to get on a zoom call and work every day, working on the different areas of this technology. This is only possible in a committed organisation where the decision-making is faster.


Q Can you also tell us about your off-shore contributions?

Raj: Recently we have worked with many European companies and made some acquisitions. Apart from our organic developments, we have also worked on some inorganic developments of certain technologies. We have not only helped them in developing those high-tech products but also become their exclusive manufacturing partners, leading to distribution of the products to the various parts of the world. While we are able to bring those technologies to India, we also now have the global markets for these products.

Q What is the biggest challenge that you identify for India in its path to become a local manufacturer?


Raj: I see two challenges. As we are on the route of developing competency and capability, we feel that we must develop more institutions that focus on defence and military technologies. So that there can be trained manpower available for industries like us.

The second area will be testing. Any defence technology requires very heavy testing. Government is working on this and we collectively need to focus on creating specific test centres which can be used by the industries. With a steadfast commitment and a proven track record of manufacturing excellence, we possess a deep understanding of these domains. Given the necessary support in these areas, achieving self-reliance is undoubtedly within our reach.


Q In the end, would you share some future prospects for the JCBL Group?

Rishi: We are already well invested in the core sectors of India. As the economy grows, I am very confident that we will grow much faster than our peer group because of our strategic investments in different core areas. For example, we started investing towards Vande Bharat Express when it was being conceived. So now when the investment grows, we will grow. We invested in para-drop systems because we identified the need of the Indian government. As JCBL group, we want to become a stronger manufacturing house, focusing more and more on innovation. That is going to be our core focus.




