
PedalStart Unveils PedalCircle For Accelerating Early-Stage Start-Ups

This three-month long groundbreaking in-person innovation hub programme will be held in Bengaluru from March till June 2024.

PedalStart Unveils PedalCircle For Accelerating Early-Stage Start-Ups

Start-up accelerator firm, PedalStart has announced the launch of its latest initiative, PedalCircle. The cohort-based offline programme is focused on accelerating early-stage start-ups from Proof-of-Concept (POC) to their maiden round of fundraising.  

This three-month long groundbreaking in-person innovation hub programme will be held in Bengaluru from March till June 2024.  

It shall endeavor to empower selected founding teams through unparalleled access to knowledge, mentorship, market access, infrastructure and growth capital, and beyond - all aimed at fast-tracking and multiplying the progress of their ventures.  

During the outcome-driven offline programme, 25 selected start-ups will gain access to an expert support team, and will be allowed to leverage PedalStart’s shared resources pool across functions like marketing, tech, legal, recruitment, etc. Furthermore, the startup founders will also be provided 1-to-1 mentorship sessions with various ex-founders and investors, tailored to their specific start-up’s needs and challenges, thus enabling exponential business growth and success. Notably, by the end of the programme, 5 of the cohort start-ups will get the opportunity to receive pre-seed/seed investments to the tune of up to $250,000 from the PedalStart network. 


Speaking about the programme, Manas Pal, co-founder, PedalStart commented, “Through the PedalCircle cohort, we will be accelerating the progress of the selected startups and essentially providing them a readymade launchpad for success. The participants will engage intensively at our Innovation Hub throughout the entire duration of the program, enabling them to learn collectively, avoid potential mistakes, and form strong long-term peer relationships that last well beyond the programme itself".    

Aditya Darolia, co-founder of PedalStart said, “In today’s day and age, start-up success, especially in its initial phase, hinges on finding that sweet spot whereby a product or offering perfectly aligns with market demands. Many ventures stumble due to a lack of Product-Market Fit, while others struggle with financial constraints and resource crunch. With PedalCircle, we hope to change that scenario for the better and foster an enabling, supportive ecosystem for these passionate startup founders. And by doing so, the programme will surely supercharge their entrepreneurial journeys".   


The application registration for PedalCircle is currently ongoing. From a huge applicant pool of thousands of budding start-ups, the PedalCircle program will carefully pick only 25 promising early-stage start-ups for the PedalCircle cohort through a 5-step screening process, which is highly founder-friendly yet thorough in nature in terms of assessing the applicants. 



