
Repurpose Old Smartphones

With just a few tweaks, you can customise your old smartphone into a functional tool for your daily needs

Repurpose Old Smartphones

It’s a common scenario in many homes, that an old smartphone that is sitting unused in a drawer because a glitzy new model has replaced it. Just because it’s a couple of years old and isn’t the latest anymore, an old smartphone is still a handy minicomputer stuffed with all manners of working sensors, and a few simple steps will transform it into a functional tool that can complement your everyday life

Bedside Clock

Even if your smartphone is an ancient device that struggles to run any of these apps, it could still be used as a bedside clock. Get yourself a nice app, like Alarm Clock HD or Timely Alarm Clock, and pair the phone with a nice stand or a speaker dock and you have an alarm clock that can wake you up on time and even deliver the news and weather updates for the day when you’re getting out of bed.




