Pursuit of Happiness

Opening Happiness With a Chill Pill

Juan Pablo Rodriguez, the chief executive officer of Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages, aims to do his best each day and believes in enjoying the present to the fullest without worrying excessively about the future


Some days may feel like a breeze and others not so much, but the key to being good at anything is to keep pushing forward, says Juan Pablo Rodriguez, the chief executive officer of Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages, the Indian arm of the multinational beverage company. He calls himself a “regular guy trying to do his best every day”, be it in the capacity of a father, husband, son, brother, friend or a leader at work, and believes in enjoying the present without undue stress about the future.

Work is a big part of who he is, but what gets him going is tackling new challenges and solving problems. “It is all about the thrill of creating, collaborating and leading. Making an impact each day, that is what keeps my passion alive,” Rodriguez remarks. That said, he makes sure he never misses out on family time. “It is everything to us,” he emphasises.


Rodriguez hails from Argentina, has lived in seven countries and worked in many more. Living abroad has brought the family of five—the couple and their three children—closer, he says, as he goes on to tell us about their bonding over travel, sports, board games and movies. But his sentiments are not restricted to his immediate family. Rodriguez makes it a point to visit his relatives back home. Every year, the family takes at least two trips to Argentina, besides a bigger trip with the extended family. For now, he is looking forward to his relatives’ upcoming visit to India. “We are super excited to show them around, especially places like the Taj Mahal and Jaipur,” he gushes.


Rodriguez wants to be remembered as someone who positively influenced others and helped them achieve their best

Many a valuable lesson in his life has come from his living and working in different countries, says Rodriguez. “Starting my career in Latin America and moving to Asia taught me the importance of embracing vulnerability and the power of unlearning. Realising that I do not have all the answers and that my perspective might shift in new situations really opened my eyes to fresh learning experiences,” he says. It is all about being open to change and growth, he avers.

The unique culture of every country he has worked in taught him to adapt and be sensitive to different working styles, he says. Creating an environment where everyone feels heard and valued is important for an organisation to grow, he feels. “I believe in building strong teams, empowering them, trusting their capabilities and having their back,” says Rodriguez. The key to success, for Rodriguez, is about building a team that is not only skilled but also confident and aligned with common goals.

Between his professional and personal commitments, whenever he can get some time for himself, he prefers to either pick up a “good book” or hit the tennis court. “I picked up tennis again in India after a break, and it has been awesome,” he beams.

“Happiness, for me, is about living each day with contentment and authenticity. It is about being comfortable in your own skin, staying true to yourself and enjoying the present without undue stress about the future. Plus, it is really about consistently aiming to do the right thing,” he says.

He wants to be remembered as someone who positively influenced others, enabling them to achieve their best, both professionally and personally, and leave behind a legacy of empowerment and improvement.






