Mutual Funds

Understanding Consolidated Account Statement

SEBI has mandated all Asset Management Companies to issue CAS statement for each calendar month to unit holders.

Understanding Consolidated Account Statement

Along with handling money, a fund manager also needs to update investors with the fund performance regularly by sending a Consolidated Account Statement (CAS), describing all their mutual fund transactions.

CAS is nothing but the statement of all your mutual fund holdings. In case of a common Permanent Account Number (PAN) the CAS is sent to the investors with holdings in mutual funds partly or entirely in demat account with Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL) or National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL).  With CAS, investors can view their complete investment transactions through their holdings in demat accounts as well as in their mutual fund folios.


It provides the details of investor’s financial transactions in both mutual funds folios and depository accounts. Through other platforms like Karvy, Computer Age Management Services (CAMs) also investors are allowed to access their consolidated statement through email under single PAN.

Here, investments made in equity shares, mutual funds, bonds, debentures and so on can be viewed by investors in a DEMAT form. Apart from transactions executed, it also shows many non-financial information like mergers, dividend reinvestment, any new fund offer, bonus, and redemptions or new purchases made and so on.

In case of no common PAN between the registrar and transfer agents (RTAs) and the Depositories, the CAS is generated and sent by mutual funds containing only the mutual fund transactions.


SEBI has mandated all Asset Management Companies (AMC’s) to issue CAS statement for each calendar month to unit holders in whose folios financial transaction(s) has taken place during that month and includes unit holding at the end of the month across all transacted schemes of all mutual funds.

CAS is also sent in an electronic form (eCAS) on your registered email address, helping investors to develop a better investment management strategy, thereby reducing overall paperwork. It also shows how much redemptions and dividends one has received over a period of time. Further, CAS can be a very useful tool when it comes to calculating your tax, as investors get all the details of consolidated mutual fund folios in one place.



