
England Plays At World Cup Today, Are You Properly Insured Should You Get Caught In A Brawl?

English football fans have an ill-repute because of their hooliganism and rowdy behaviour, and the finals of Euro Cup 2021 when England lost to Italy, and English fans went on a rampage across London is fresh on everybody’s mind. What happens if you get caught in a brawl and get injured in Qatar?

England Plays At World Cup Today, Are You Properly Insured Should You Get Caught In A Brawl?

Today is November 26, 2022, and England is all set to play their group stage football match against the US in the Group B pool at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

Considering the crowd and the match, there is a slim chance of hooliganism, but then what happened at the finals of Euro Cup 2021 at the Wembley Stadium in London cannot be forgotten either. 

With great difficulty, riot police managed to control the English fans who were seen brawling in the streets, fighting, duelling, thrashing cans, cursing bystanders, and venting their ire on hapless Italians fans following their team’s loss in the final.


English fans and their hooliganism have caused great damage to life and property over the past several decades, and many countries have debarred English fans, who have been categorised as proclaimed rioters, from flying in for the matches.

But what happens if you get caught in such a brawl? 

A travel and medical insurance, which covers you during your stay in Qatar should be your first priority if you don’t want to blow up your savings in case of unfortunate incidents like, say match-day brawls, riots, or viral outbreaks, among others.

Here’s Your Insurance Guide To 2022 Fifa World Cup


1] All international flight travellers have to take travel insurance. It covers all basics, such as loss of luggage, loss of passport, medical contingencies, flight delay, or trip extension or even cancellation, among others. 

2] All the basic possible contingency events are covered, but for additional coverage in other special situations, one can consider various add-on insurance packages.

3] Say you have got tickets for today’s match (England Vs USA) and you get caught in the crossfire between overenthusiastic fans, even if all you did was silently drinking your soda (no involvement in the brawl). Then you should consider add-ons to protect yourself from uncertain events, like say trip interruption, alternative transport extra cost, others. 

Sasikumar Adidamu, chief distribution officer, institutional sales, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance, says that Bajaj Allianz travel insurance provides $2 million medical coverage for accidental medical expenses.

4] Although fears of a Covid-19 outbreak are slim, the virus is still present, and infecting people nonetheless. So, in the event you went to watch FIFA matches in Qatar and contracted Covid, then the medical expenses are payable under the medical section of your insurance policy. 

5] That said, you should not get bogged down with Covid-19 related fears, and take adequate medical cover for a greater peace of mind.

6] There could be another case wherein a viral outbreak, including Covid-19, occurs in Qatar. Then, the government in Qatar, in a bid to control the outbreak, may impose a travel ban and allow people to leave the country (if they are free from the virus). 


This will, of course, be a setback for the football fans, but nonetheless, additional expenses like hotel cancellation charges, travel charges, including early flight extra airfare, others have to be incurred. 

“In this case, we will pay for the hotel cancellation charges, travel charges, including early flight for the difference in airfare, cancellation of FIFA ticket, and en-route emergency accommodation under the trip interruption section,” says Adidamu.

7] Additionally, the Indian government may also decide to ban travel to Qatar if the viral outbreak is severe.

“If the Indian government puts a travel restriction on Qatar and prohibits you from flying back to India, then we will pay the additional cost for the hotel stay and the difference in airfare under the trip extension section. In addition, if you are infected with Covid-19, then the medical expenses are payable under the medical section,” adds Adidamu.


8] An insurance companion cover will extend the insurance coverage for other non-family travelling members, too. For example: suppose you had to cancel the trip as your companion (can be either married spouse or unmarried girlfriend) is not well, then a claim under trip cancellation can be made, as well.

Read more about the Fifa World Cup 2022 budget plans here.



