
GenZs and Millennials In India Prefer Hybrid Working, Reveals Deloitte Study

Most GenZ and millennials prefer hybrid and remote working despite companies calling their employees back to office. Read below to read more about it.

Gen Zs and millennials in India are more optimistic about the economic and sociopolitical situation

An increasing number of GenZs (66 per cent) and millennials (67 per cent) in India prefer a hybrid work arrangement, and view flexible and remote working as an opportunity to improve their work/life balance, according to a study by Deloitte.

Says SV Nathan, partner, and chief talent officer, Deloitte India: “With the increasing demand for hybrid work arrangements, Deloitte’s survey reveals that if Gen Zs and millennials were in charge, they would prioritise and allow employees to work flexible hours to improve work/life balance. It has become imperative for all organisations and business leaders to play a role in supporting their employees in setting boundaries to protect work/life balance.”


The study titled ‘2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey’, also revealed that Gen Zs and millennials in India are more optimistic about the economic and socio-political situation in the country compared to others.

Here are some more interest findings from the study. 

Finance: Over two-third of GenZ and 8 in 10 millennials said in the survey that they feel confident in being able to retire comfortably and also pay all of their monthly expenses. 

The survey also found out another interesting fact that about 62 per cent of GenZ and 51 per cent of millennials have an additional paying job in addition to their primary job.


Work/Life Balance: GenZ and millennials have said that good work-life balance, positive work culture, and access to good learning opportunities at work are the three top reasons they consider while choosing a new workplace.

Additionally, they also prefer hybrid/remote work arrangements, since it helps them in saving money, and also gives them more time to spend with family, and also pursue a hobby. About 19 per cent of GenZ and 23 per cent of millennials said that if they were in charge, then they would allow employees to work flexible hours and work remotely, too so that their work/life balance improves.

Environment: The survey also found out that about 95 per cent of Indian Gen Z and millennials are trying to minimise their personal impact on the environment. 

Not only this, but Indian Gen Z and millennials also want to see their employers invest in areas and ideas, including banning single-use plastic, provide training, and also giving incentives to people for adopting a better environmental choice.

Economic Outlook: About half of Indian GenZs think that in the next 12 months, India’s economic prospects would improve.

Top Areas For Concern Among GenZ and Millennials

The survey revealed that GenZs are more concerned about education, skills and training, while millennials are more concerned about unemployment, mental health and others. 


But one common area for which both of them are concerned is climate change and protection of the environment.



