
13,327 Kms Of National Highway Constructed In 2020-21: Economic Survey

The Survey further said the extent and quality of infrastructure determine the ability of a country to utilise its comparative advantage and enables cost competitiveness.

The survey said in 2021-22 (till September), 3,824 kms of road network was constructed.

Terming infrastructure as the backbone for any economy, the Economic Survey on Monday said there has been a consistent increase in the construction of National Highways/roads since 2013-14, with 13,327 km constructed in 2020-21 as compared to 10,237 kms in 2019-20.

The Survey further said the extent and quality of infrastructure determine the ability of a country to utilise its comparative advantage and enables cost competitiveness.

"Infrastructure is the backbone for any economy," the Economic Survey tabled in Parliament said.

It said in 2021-22 (till September), 3,824 kms of the road network was constructed.

"There has been a consistent increase in the construction of National Highways/roads since 2013-14 with 13,327 kms of roads constructed in 2020-21 as compared to 10,237 kms in 2019-20, indicating an increase of 30.2 per cent over the previous year," it said.


According to the Survey, the significant upturn in road construction in 2020-21 was due to the increase in public expenditure by 29.5 per cent as compared to the previous year -- a reflection of the impetus given by the government to a critical sector that generates employment and supports infrastructure during a pandemic year.

It also noted that road infrastructure is widely recognised as a potent means of socio-economic integration and is vital for the economic development of the country. 



