
Logistics Platform Shipsy Acquired Stockone

"The move (acquisition) further aligns with our long-term vision to provide scalable, efficient, and automated end-to-end logistics management solutions to our customers, covering warehousing, order fulfillment, and operational management," said Soham Chokshi, CEO and Co-Founder of Shipsy, said


Software-as-a-Service-based logistics platform Shipsy on Thursday said it has acquired Stockone, a cloud-based Warehouse Management System and inventory management solution provider, to expand its product portfolio.

This strategic acquisition reinforces Shipsy's commitment to delivering a comprehensive end-to-end logistics technology platform for diverse enterprise customers, it said.

The company, however, did not disclose the financial details of the transaction.

This will empower businesses to optimise logistics costs, enhance customer experience, and automate operations via a single platform, Shipsy added.

"The move (acquisition) further aligns with our long-term vision to provide scalable, efficient, and automated end-to-end logistics management solutions to our customers, covering warehousing, order fulfillment, and operational management," said Soham Chokshi, CEO and Co-Founder of Shipsy, said.


With a clientele of over 220 enterprise customers, Shipsy handles approximately 150 million monthly shipments, and tracks over 650,000 containers every month, as per the company.

This expansion in Shipsy's product portfolio with the integration of warehousing capabilities positions it as a holistic logistics solution provider, enabling data-driven decision-making for enterprises across the entire supply chain, the company stated.



