
NCERT Committee Recommends Replacing 'India' With 'Bharat' In School Textbooks

The panel also suggested "classical history" be taught in place of "ancient history"

NCERT Committee Recommends Replacing 'India' With 'Bharat' In School Textbooks

A high-level committee for social sciences, established by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to reform the school curriculum, proposed on Wednesday that "India" be changed to "Bharat" in the textbooks for all levels.

According to committee chairwoman C I Isaac, the panel has recommended that the term "India" be changed to "Bharat" in textbooks, that "classical history" be taught in place of "ancient history," and that the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) be included in the syllabus for every topic.

"The committee has unanimously recommended that the name 'Bharat' should be used in textbooks for students across classes. We have also recommended introducing 'classical history' instead of 'ancient history' in the textbooks," Isaac told PTI.


However, NCERT representatives stated that a decision regarding the panel's recommendations has not yet been made.

He claimed that the committee also suggested that "Hindu victories" in various conflicts be highlighted in the textbooks.

The curriculum of the school textbooks is being revised by the NCERT to align with the 2020 National Education Policy (NEP).

To finalise the curriculum, textbooks, and learning materials for these classes, the council has established the 19-member National Syllabus and Teaching Learning Material Committee (NSTC).

Both "India" and "Bharat" are used in the Indian Constitution, which is the ultimate legislation of the nation.

The specific article is regarded as the fundamental clause establishing the Union of India.


Both "India" and "Bharat" are used in the Constitution of India, which is the ultimate legislation of the nation.

The specific article is regarded as the fundamental clause establishing the Union of India.



