
TCS Teams Up With The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust For Patient Care

TCS will develop AI-based chatbot which could transform the way headache patients are diagnosed and treated at the centre in Liverpool

TCS Teams Up With The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust For Patient Care

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on Thursday announced a partnership with The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust to build digital solutions for patient care.

The solution is geared to increase the productivity of specialists, and reduce waiting times for patients.

Tata Consultancy Services will develop an AI (Artificial Intelligence) based chatbot that will help reduce the three-month waiting time for patients to see a specialist consultant.

The Walton Centre is the only specialist NHS neurosciences trust in the UK.

TCS will develop AI-based chatbot which could transform the way headache patients are diagnosed and treated at the centre in Liverpool.

The chatbot will interact with patients being referred to a neurology or headache specialist and collect details of their condition and the symptoms through a structured set of questions.


This will then be used to compile a detailed medical history which clinicians can review, before the first appointment with the patient and recommend a further course of action.



