
Volvo Gets An All-New Vehicle Techlab

The all-new lab can house complete trucks, chassis and aggregates, the company said in a statement

Volvo Gets An All-New Vehicle Techlab

The deputy chief executive officer of Volvo Group Jan Gurander on Thursday inaugurated a 'Vehicle TechLab.'
The all-new lab can house complete trucks, chassis and aggregates, the company said in a statement.
The facility has various supporting equipment for engineers to test, innovate, validate and experiment the ongoing work through a set-up equipped with driving simulators, test benches, 3D scanners, among other tools and systems, said the statement.
The lab is designed as a collaborative virtual workspace – creating a simulated workshop environment - using technologies like virtual reality, human body motion tracking and realistic digital rendering of vehicles that allows Volvo engineers across the globe to connect and collaborate virtually.
The company said the facility would significantly reduce the development time, improve problem-solving and offer better insights and speed in building innovative solutions.




