Opinions and Blogs

Can A Melded Working Breed Availability Heuristic At Workplace?

Strong performance management can facilitate a balanced, efficient, and structured work environment

Can A Melded Working Breed Availability Heuristic At Workplace?

2020 was unquestionably a life-changing year for all of us. The year saw an unprecedented and almost overnight transformation in every aspect of our lives due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With multiple lockdowns and widespread safety concerns, remote working became the norm across the world. However, as the economy gradually reopens, employees are beginning to return to the workplace, albeit in phases, paving the way for a hybrid form of working.

 Although remote working has offered several benefits such as flexibility, there is a flip side to it. As we move towards the post-Covid era, working models have undergone an immense transformation and the world is slowly but steadily adapting to the melded working model. At a time when every aspect of work is evolving, experts are now posed with a new question. Can a melded working form breed availability heuristic at the workplace?


 What is the availability heuristic?

 Commonly known as availability bias, the availability heuristic is a mental shortcut of sorts where people make judgments when evaluating any particular topic, concept, method, decision, or the likelihood of an event based on immediate examples that come to their minds.  

 Eradicating the bias for a beneficial form of hybrid working

 The emergence of availability heuristic at the workplace, especially with a melded working model, can impact efficiency, performance, leading to unconscious bias that may take a toll on morale in the long run. Besides, giving increased preference to people who are physically present eliminates inclusion and adds to the bias. In order to make the most out of the hybrid working model, managers must have a robust performance management system void of any loopholes that will ensure that employees are evaluated based on their deliverables instead of face time.


 The HR department, too, needs to make sure that there is sufficient virtual or physical informal connection with employees to enable team bonding and regular engagement. Furthermore, employees are also responsible for their productivity and efficiency in a hybrid working environment.

 A strong performance management system and consciously steering clear of bias can eliminate availability heuristic and facilitate a balanced, efficient, and structured hybrid working environment.

 The author is Founder, Jobsforher

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