
2017 Numerology Predictions: The Year of New Beginnings

2017 Numerology Forecast by Farzana Suri

2017 Numerology Predictions: The Year of New Beginnings

The year 2016 marked the year of change at many levels. It was all about transformations, transitions and realistic manifestations. On a global level, the transformation saw changing power paradigms. European equity prices have been on a downward trend. The Brexit issue, the slowdown of the Chinese economy, Wells Fargo financial scandal, the impact of the US Presidential elections remain a cause of concern. Closer home, the financial mismanagement leading to early demise of noteworthy start-ups has questioned the new age investors. Family-owned corporates are facing the heat and the inflation is being kept almost in check. The economy seems robust despite the global shift.


 The Universal Year 1 demonstrates the need to shrug off the remnants of last year and usher in the dawn of new beginnings and opportunities with renewed focus and zest. This is the time to decide what to do with the opportunities that confront you. The canvas is clean, so plan your long-term future goals smartly. The foundation you lay in 2017 will set the tone for the coming nine years. Mindfulness is needed while spending or increasing debt out of sheer vanity and ego. Experimentation, initiation, self-reflection, introspection and leadership are keywords for 2017. Learn, adapt and move according to the direction of the wind in the financial market. It would be wise to take calculated risks. 2017 is the year of personal victories. I wish you all the joy of success in financial freedom.



 Leadership | Independence | Creativity

The struggles of the past year fade away, marking a new phase of your life. Situations may drive you towards a whole new approach in the way you perceive your financial preparedness. Your determination, willpower and creativity in your outlook towards money management is likely to yield success. Go easy on that need to charge impulsive spends on your credit card. Calculated risks would be more gainful. You will discover a new you this year. Opportunities that were invisible suddenly appear to flash all around you. It will be a great time to begin your own business or change your job or commit to a relationship. Dream big and invest the next nine years towards achieving it.

Co-operation | Partnership | Mediator

This is a year to nurture your plans and stay focused on your financial and other goals. Opportunities of collaboration and partnership will present themselves to you at work and in business. You make new friends and build new relationships that are beneficial. Money may seem scarce and your emotional sensitivity will magnify that thought into worry. Relax, it isn’t all that bad. The year may seem slower, be patient. Keep a check on those mood swings and avoid confrontations. Tact is the keyword. Be a catalyst to someone else’s growth and learn to listen to others. Unconventional sources of income may just wind their way to you. Tune into your intuition to guide you.


Humour | Creativity | Spontaneity

Your approach to situations this year is to be optimistic. The closing of one door may open up a bigger gate into greener pastures. Opportunities bedazzle you with frequent surprises introducing you to lifestyles that could bowl you over. Go with the counsel of your financial advisor lest you get carried away and splurge. You will spend more than is necessary though. A socially active year, you may even find all that partying adding kilos to your weight. A super year for self-expression. Give that talk or teach or write to express yourself. Learn to push away those feelings of lethargy, impulsive behaviour and mood fluctuations. A windfall may add surprise to your year, so be in the receiving.


Organised | Practical | Dependable

This year you focus on re-evaluating your financial goals to build the foundation of your business/job as a stepping stone for the future. It spells hard work where the efforts may not commensurate with the result immediately. You may find yourself doing things several times until you get them right. Patience is the name of the game. Expect dramatic changes in your work and life. Clinging to a job or project that is not beneficial may force you to leave it or result in your exit. Property matters will yield benefits if you toe the line. It’s a profitable year for selling and trading. Expect added financial responsibilities. There’s hope. All the hard work will bear fruits beyond your expectation, closer to September, so chin up and smile.


Change | Freedom | Learning

Change, adventure, breakthroughs signify this year. You will experience freedom from old conditions of delays and frustrations. Old relationships make way for new ones. Embrace the change. The choices you make will help you break free and charge ahead with confidence. Your inventiveness will have you seeking unconventional investments. Take a few risks, get out of your comfort zone. Opportunities flood you towards a new direction. Expand your network, promote yourself. It’s time for growth, however, avoid over committing and curb that lavish expenditure. Let your new venture or project wait till September. Spontaneous travel opportunities will take you on an adventure filled with joy.


Responsibility | Harmony | Advisor

Home and family take precedence this year. Matters of health will be a concern and with the added responsibility you may experience a slight financial crunch. This, however, is a great year for finances with unexpected opportunities walking to you on a platter. Reunions and meetups will be a source of delight. Investment in a home or renovating it is likely. Personal growth through a new job or promotion may see your hard work being recognised. You feel nurtured and supported more than you have experienced in a long time. You create an environment of harmony if you’re able to balance your giving and receiving. Don’t resist falling in love as this could be an interesting year.


Perceptive | Spiritual | Analytical

Move away from old patterns and attitudes and open up to a new perspective, awareness and journey life is placing before you. The situations that seemed challenging are all in your perception. You attract money even if you don’t pursue it actively. This year is about introspection, spirituality and the need to tune in to yourself. Focus on your goal and be steadfast. Specialise in what you hold close to your heart. A great time to invest in that bike or car you’ve been promising yourself. Recognition comes to you, don’t go seeking it. Things may seem slow but the wheels of progress are moving and will accelerate next year. You may find yourself being a catalyst of growth for others. Don’t be surprised if you are given a chance to share center stage and have encounters with brilliant minds.


Success | Structure | Inner Strength

This year, let your inner voice be your guide while handling money and taking monetary decisions. Don’t go with the herd. The efforts of the past eight years pay off as dividends, depending on your karmic balance of scales. Unconventional sources of investment can be rewarding, but caution is urged with respect to speculation. Focus on restoring balance and justice to unsettled issues. You may undergo an internal conflict between your material needs and spirituality. New experiences pull you out of your comfort zone for it is time to learn from the past. Structure is needed in all you do. A good time to buy or sell property. The legal system may cause some strain, so toe the line. You may find yourself placed in a position of influence and authority, so take charge. The possibility of going solo in a new venture is high.


Progressive | Willpower | Humanity

The year is all about endings and beginnings. It calls for closure of situations and issues that are not helping you move forward. Let go and let God. It’s a good time for financial growth and progress in business. You feel an increased sense of social responsibility and find yourself involved in charitable work. If you have been in business, you may find yourself drawn towards the arts. The possibility of success and recognition are high. Travel in order to learn and grow. Donate, detox, declutter and disassociate. The inefficiencies of others may bog you down, momentarily. Money finds its way to you mysteriously. You have the determination to get what you desire. Manifest wisely.


 2017 holds the promise of manifestation. If you can think it, you can create it. Raise your energy and recalibrate your life and financial blueprint. The positive highlights are inventiveness, confidence, optimism, new opportunities and long-term commitments. Wish you a victorious 2017!

Ways to leverage the Universal Year’s No. 1 energy:

  • A great time for new ventures or shift in career choices
  • Start that health and fitness regime now for a higher success
  • Investing in property or redecoration of an existing one
  • Get a lot of rest—spas and massages would be excellent
  • New learning and upgradation would be fruitful
  • Pack those bags and chart a travel plan




