
A green cause

Watching indoor plants grow could just be the trigger to start investing and watching your money

A green cause

It is common to come across city dwellers crib over lack of green space and looking for excuses to be in the lap of nature. Yes, nature doesn’t just have an effect on the mind; it also helps the body heal. Several experiments show that even a simple photograph of greenery can push the brain to better consider the long-term future, something that goes so well with investing, which too is for the long term.

So, whether you are still beating the winter blues or ready to welcome spring with open arms, any season of the year is a perfect time to add some blooming colour into a corner of your home or even office. Growing indoor plants can be a very good hobby, which is also rewarding. Every time you see the plant that you nurture grow a few centimetres it boosts your confidence with a sense of achievement, not to forget the joy of seeing something small grow in size and shape.


The activity is hardly time consuming or expensive, and has several therapeutic benefits too. It is a well known fact that going for a walk in a lush green park is an excellent remedy for several problems. The basic idea is to spend some time in pure and natural environment. Creating a green corner in your home and working space can reap all the benefits nature has to bestow. There are several other advantages too.    

Essential tools

Some necessary tools that you would need to grow plants and create greenery near you


Improved air quality

Indoor air is almost always more polluted than outdoors, with higher volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitting from synthetics, in furniture, fittings, computers, printers and more, causing loss of concentration, headaches, eye irritation, and nose and throat problems.


Good health

Indoor plants increase humidity levels and decrease dust, reducing cold-related illnesses. Likewise, excess carbon dioxide can elevate drowsiness levels, but with plants in the house, this excess carbon dioxide from the air is removed. The air that you breathe is thus a great deal healthier with houseplants. What’s more, people who have indoor plants rarely complain of insomnia or dry skin.

Reduce stress

Houseplants can contribute to a feeling of well being, making you calm and optimistic. Moreover, plants have been known to lower blood pressure due to their stress relieving nature.

Mood up-lifter

In the company of natural beauty that removes harmful toxins from the air, you will feel more relaxed and be able to concentrate on your work better, thereby increasing your productivity at home and at work. While there are many available options of plants to be grown indoors, you can choose from Lucky bamboo, Money plant or the Syngonium to get started. Not only are these easy to grow and maintain, they come with their share of belief of being lucky in bringing in wealth, prosperity and harmony.

So, what are you waiting for; go pick a small plant and get started to reap the rewards.

Easy to grow plants

Money Plant: Rs.50-100


Money plant is considered lucky for the house and can grow without much assistance and care. If you believe luck, this is one plant you should have at home to grow indoors or outdoors. Avoid over watering in any circumstances and ensure soil dries between two watering sessions.

Joy point: Keep the plant near a window and watch it grow towards sunlight, but ensure indirect sunlight and shade for ideal growth.

Syngonium: Rs.50-100


The arrowhead plant is the next best lush green plant extremely easy to maintain, which can be grown outdoors or indoors to give your surroundings a soothing green effect. Syngonium does not need a lot of watering, but grows well in moist soil.


Joy point: Watch the plant climb when tied to wooden or plastic pole. Tie the stems as it grows up, till it reaches the top progressively.

Lucky bamboo: Rs.150 onwards


This Feng Shui plant is also known as lucky bamboo and is believed to bring prosperity and harmony. Gift it to others and ask others to gift one to you. It is an indoor plant and is easily available at most stores selling Feng Shui items. Important; change the water once a week and rinse the bowl and plant roots to avoid formation of algae.

Joy point: The orderly manner in which this plant grows is a lesson to emulate to bring order into our own lives. 




