
COP29 Host Azerbaijan Criticised For Weak Climate Targets And Increasing Emissions

Azerbaijan has drawn sharp criticism from the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) after weakening its climate targets and pledging to boost fossil fuel production

Energy-related methane emissions have already risen 6 percent above 1990 levels. Photo: by freepik

Azerbaijan is among a few countries that have backtracked on their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), contradicting the Paris Agreement’s call for more ambitious climate goals. The country plans to increase fossil gas extraction by over 30 percent in the next decade, with the European Union as its largest customer. Energy-related methane emissions have already risen 6 percent above 1990 levels. The host of COP29 has been rated "Critically Insufficient" due to its escalating emissions and lack of net-zero commitment. 

While Azerbaijan has shown interest in renewable energy, its efforts appear aimed at freeing domestic fossil gas for export. The government has also signed deals with British Petroleum and TotalEnergies to expand its gas infrastructure, further fuelling its carbon emissions. 


The CAT recommends that Azerbaijan strengthen its climate policies, establish stronger NDC targets for 2030 and 2035, and transition towards renewable energy. The European Union was also advised to reduce its demand for Azerbaijani gas and support the country’s shift to a low-carbon economy. 



