Real Estate

Living A Health Life Will Soon Become The Mantra Post Pandemic

Living A Health Life Will Soon Become The Mantra Post Pandemic

In the last one and a half months since the lockdown was implemented, people have been hearing a lot about the importance of healthy living, social distancing, hygiene, and organic living. The new-age working class, which was already looking out for exclusivity in life has now turned its attention towards homes that can meet all these parameters. 

The demand for housing projects that can provide the new-age generation with homes that can provide a healthy lifestyle a notch above the others will increase manifold. Buyers will look out for projects with dedicated spaces for varied requirements of the residents including pet care zones, senior citizen areas, and meditation points with lots of greenery including medicinal plants. The demand was already picking up pace due to the clogged spaces being generally provided. Not accepting the general trend, the new-age generation would go for homes that can add a tinge of freshness to the way they live. It will, now, be about strolling in a less crowded gated community oblivious of the environment mayhem outside and contemplating on the ways to improve nature around you. 


The healthy living will, thus, become the mantra that has to be followed by the realtors. The need will arise to provide terrace gardens where residents can have access to home-grown organic vegetables for their daily use. The air which reaches every home should be treated with TFA (Treating Fresh Air Unit) which will make the use of air fresheners inside the apartments obsolete. Coronavirus has also brought to fore the importance of sunlight in human lives. Sunbathing, which was popular outside India, has come out as one of the options to fight this virus. This calls for the designing of the project to accommodate sunbathing areas with full privacy. Apartments should give ample sunlight also and should not be clogged with too many apartments on one floor.


Exclusivity will become the buzzword as the importance of social distancing to lead a healthy life will seep in. The developer will also have to come up with exclusive lifts for apartments and a lift lobby on each floor that can give the apartment owners their own extended space outside the four walls of the apartment. 

Proper screening of the visitors and separate entrance for the service personnel or the courier guys might also be needed by the buyers who are cautious about their life. This is the time when the new-age generation will go all out with their list of demands for healthy living and will choose the projects even if they come at a premium. The mantra is the new world will no longer be about the monetary cost but the invaluable aspects of life.

The author is the Director, Gulshan Homz.



