
India Ranks 14th in the World, Below USA, China in AI Research: Report

The study assesses countries' contributions over the last 10 years to the top 10 conferences on AI, ML and data engineering with A+ and A ranking in the world

Artificial Intelligence

India ranks 14th in the world with a mere 1.4 per cent share of paper contribution in the top 10 AI research conferences spanning a period of five years from 2018-2023.

As per a study by AI accelerator and ecosystem builder Change Engine which was shared exclusively with Economic Times, India ranks below the US and China in AI research.

US and China’s contribution to AI research stands at 30.4 per cent and 22.8 per cent respectively as per the study.

The paper titled ‘India’s State of AI Research: India’s Performance in Top Conferences as Compared to the World’ assesses countries' contribution over the last 10 years to the top 10 conferences on AI, machine learning (ML) and data engineering with A+ and A ranking in the world.


There is an alarming trend that India’s AI paper growth has also flattened while Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea have seen an accelerated rate of growth in AI research.

The study says that India needs to grow AI research by at least 40 per cent a year to get a 5 per cent global share in five years and create a world-class innovation ecosystem.

India posted an annual compound rate of 15.5 per cent in AI presentation in the last 10 years from 2014-2023. For other countries mentioned above, it ranged between 20 per cent to 30 per cent as per the study.


Experts have cited a lack of funding and minimal infrastructure as the reasons for India’s poor contribution to AI research in the world. 



