Talking Money

A Quick Look At Five Life Lessons On Money, Investment and Success

Entrepreneurs, financial experts, economists everyone has their own success mantra.

A Quick Look At Five Life Lessons On Money, Investment and Success

 When I heard a quote that “Mind management is more important than time management” then this very quote, paved way for many plans in my life and made me believe that, yes, you should have trust on your ideas even if everyone else is having doubt on it. Since then I have always believed in these words while working out on any of my assignments. Sometimes a word and a sentence have power to change your destiny and that serves as a source of inspiration for many. Everyone has a lesson to give you about money management and success. But there are some advises, that comes from self-made people after going through neck-breaking competition and emerging victorious. And this advises are quite important for other people who want to emerge victorious in the same way as they did. Entrepreneurs, financial experts, economists everyone has their own success mantra. And that success mantra has helped them a lot. 


So there are a few lessons that you should have a quick look at.

  1. Warren Buffet: Invest in Yourself

Warren Buffet is third richest man in the country after Microsoft Bill Gates and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. He is the chairman and the largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway, an investment company that owns other companies such as Geico, Clayton Homes, and Dairy Queen. He is considered as one of the most successful investor of all the time. Buffet says that the best investment you can make is in yourself. “Nobody can take away what you have got in yourself, and everybody has potential they have not used yet, “Buffet said in an interview.


  1. Bill Gates: Money has no utility to me beyond a certain point

A philanthropist, business magnate, Investor and co-founder of Microsoft Corporations. Bill Gates has numerous stories to share. Bill has been richest person in world. He shared his life lessons on money, investment and success. And here is one of his important life lessons on money.

  1. Ayn Rand: Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, But it will not replace you as Driver

Ayn Rand was a Russian American writer and philosopher. She is best known for her two novels the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Rand gave numerous philosophical concepts. And she called her philosophy “Objectivism”. She said: “Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as Driver.”

  1. P.T Barnum: Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant 

Phineas Taylor Barnum was an American showman, politician and businessman. He is the one who made the American circus a popular and gigantic spectacle, the show called Greatest on Earth.

  1. Rene Rivkin: When Buying shares ask yourself would you buy the whole company?

Rene Walter Rivkin was Chinese- born entrepreneur, investor, investment advisor, stock broker. In December 1985, he was voted Business Review Weekly Magazine’s Stockbroker of the year. He also got recognition with his publication of the Rivkin Report, in which he would advise what stocks to buy and sell and provide market analysis.




