Talking Money

Five Tips For New College Goers

After coming out of their comfort zone and they will now have to manage their finances on their own.

Five Tips For New College Goers

Many young people are going to start a new life as a college student. From the upcoming new session, the students are going to face transition of graduating from being a school student to becoming a mature a college student. And many of them are going to step out of their homes in order to get quality education. Some youngsters will go to metropolitan cities like Delhi or Mumbai. One of the most important aspects of this new life is that these students, after coming out of their comfort zone and they will now have to manage their finances on their own.


Every month their parents will be sending them an amount and they have to manage all their expenses within that amount. But being in college also brings up many things like parties and trips. So how should you go about it?

1. Create a Budget

To manage your monthly finances in an efficient way you have to create a monthly budget. Where you will be spending? How much you are going to save for an emergency? How much you are going to spend on other expenses? So creating a budget makes a clear roadmap and helps you out in the long run.


2. Take up a Part-time Job 

Sometimes student faces a lot of problems in managing their finances. Thus an option is to take up any sort of part-time job. Many college students take tuitions that help them in managing finances in college without any hassle.  With consumerism and market economy at play, there are other opportunities available in fast food restaurants as well like taking up freelance assignment that pays well.

3. Always Look Out For Scholarships and Grants

The best way to make life financially smooth during college life is to keep an eye on all the scholarships and grants, as there are many scholarships and grants available during college with different eligibility criterion.  So getting these scholarships and grants is also a learning experience and a feather in your cap.

4. Don’t Get into A fraud Trap

Being a student, there are high chances that you will get in to a fraud trap. You may well get attracted to lot of fraud assurances floating on the internet, and may reveal some personal information like debit card numbers and online account number. So false claim to get double money or to get coupons seems more attractive but you should be alert about all kinds of fraudulent messages and calls you get on phone. So the mantra to keep yourself insulated from these traps is to keep your financial identity safe and not share it with any one not even with friends.




